Chapter 7: Car Chase

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Let's do this! Two chapters in one day, whaaa?! Lmao enjoy guys!

(Y/n's POV)

The next morning I stopped by Sam's house to see how he was holding up. After all that police stuff with the car, I decided to keep an eye on him. To make sure he doesn't get himself killed. I walked in and heard the news in the radio and found Sam in the kitchen.

"Morning." I said, walking in and grabbing some PopTarts.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, while getting the milk out.

"Well, since you keep freaking out about your car. I thought I would be a good friend and watch over you. Just fo make sure you're not gonna get yourself killed."

"I don't need some kind of babysitter, (Y/n). I'm perfectly fine." Sam said while Mojo kept barking outside the window. "Stop with the barking. Mojo. It's too early. Please? And you, shouldn't you be out getting your things unpacked?" Sam asked.

"I got it done early this morning." I replied, biting into the (f/flavor) PopTart. Sam was about to respond until the hum of an engine stopped him in his tracks, making him drop the milk carton he was holding.

"Sam, would you calm down?" I said, looking out the window. Sam suddenly grabbed me and pulled me down so I couldn't see the car. "Sam! Let go!"

Sam immediately called Miles. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Miles? Miles, listen to me. Listen. My car, it stole itself, okay?"

"Sam, we agreed-" but I got cut off.

"Satan's Camaro. In my yard. It's stalking me!" Sam's voice cracked as he looked back at the window while holding Mojo in his one arm. He hung up and ran out of the house.

"Sam! What are you- UGH!" I gave up and ran after him, and he got onto a pink bike with streamers on the handlebars. I groaned and hopped onto my bike that I rode here ans followed him. The car revved its engine and started to chase us.

"Stop!" Sam screamed as the far drove on the sidewalk.

"Sam, hold on!" I called up as a rode up faster towards him, but he was pretty fast on his bike. He was riding towards a bump and was heading for it fast.

"Sam, watch out!" I called. But it was roo late. He already ran into it and ended up doing a backflip over the bike and landed on his back on the concrete. In front of a group of people. I quickly skidded to a stop and went over to him. And quickly realized that he had done that in front of Mikeala and her friends, who seemed to be laughing at him.

"Sam?" Mikeala asked as he groaned on the concrete.

I quickly went over to him.
"Sorry you bad to see that, Mikeala. He was in a rush this morning."

"Hi." Sam groaned.

"That was... that was really awesome." Mikeala said with a confused and concerned look.

"Look, I'd love for us to stick around and chat, but we have to go now. Sam, get up." I said, pulling at him arm as he groaned and got up.

"Well, that felt awesome.." Sam groaned. "Are you okay?" Mikeala asked.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's had worse collisions." I said. Sam glared at me. "I'm not okay, alright? I'm losing my mind a little bit." Sam said. "We're getting chased by my car right now. We gotta go."

"Sam, would you-" Sam ignored me and got back on the pink bike and I shortly followed him. "Sam, you're acting ridiculous! People are gonna think we look insane!"

We rode down the main street almost hitting some traffic. Sam kept looking back and forth from the fat to in front of him. Sam and I rode into this gated garage area where the car was right on our asses. Sam groaned as he continued to find a way to to get away from it. Sam then skidded to stop and looked around and I stopped beside him. "Sam, what is your problem!?" I asked. Still, he ignored me.

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