Chapter 6: Police Custody

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(Y/n's POV)

After a drive to the station and not talking to Sam. We were pulled into inspection and debreifed us. Luckily Ron was able to meet up with us and he was not happy about this. At all. This is not going to be good on my record at and could possibly get me kicked out of the Army.

"Look, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being. It just stood up." Sam explained. Like they were gonna beleive that his car is some kind of robot alien thing. "She's a key witness!" Sam said, pointing to me.

"W-Well, yeah. That's what it did!" I said.

"It just stood up." The officer repeated. "Wow. That's really neat. Okay, chiefie. Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy. You too, young lady." He said, handing us a cup and a bag.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I said annoyed.

"What are you two rolling? Whippets? Goofball? A little wowie sauce with the boys?" the cop asked.

"No, we're not on any drugs." Sam said.

"I'm in the Army, sir. If that was in my system, I would be kicked out right then and there." I said.

"What's these?" Someone tossed him a bottle of pills and he rattled it. "Found it in your pocket." He turned it over and read the label. ""Mojo." Is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of Mojo?"

"Those are his dogs pain pills." I gave him an annoyed look. This is so ridiculous.

"You know, a Chihuahua. A little..." Ron said.

"Look, this all ridiculous. See we were probably just sleep-walking and we thought we saw something and that's why Sam called the police. So if you can get us out of here, we'll be on our way and you won't see us again." I said. God, this is so gonna get me in trouble.

"What was that?" The cop said, smiling after rubbing his eyes. Sam looked at him confused.

"You eyeballin' my piece, 50 Cent?" He moved his jacket to reveal the pistol he was carrying on its holster.

"Oh god, no.." I sighed.

"You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it." The cop leaned in close to Sam. "'Cause I promise you I will bust you up." 

"Are you on drugs?" Sam asked, making me snicker.

"Okay, I think that's enough." Ron said. "Come on, you two. We're going home."

Ron stood up and took us out to the car and Sam looked really upset. It was daylight out so we were up pretty late last night. I sighed and pat him on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Sam. We'll probably have another go at it some other time."

"I sound like an idiot back there. I mean, who's gonna believe us?" Sam asked.

"No one. That means we can't go blabbering on about it to other people or else we strike suspicions to the wrong people and end up in state custody. Look, I know what we both saw. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna help." I said.

"Thanks." Sam said.

"Come on, you two delinquents. Let's get home." Ron interrupted us.

We hopped into the car and went home. That was still on my mind. What could it possibly want with Sam or me? Why would it show himself to us? Why didn't it kill us?

So many questions ran through my mind. Maybe when we see it again, we'll figure out why it's here. And what it wants from us.

A really short chapter, I know. I'm going scene by scene. That's why I'm thinking of uploading the next chapter on the same day for you guys! I really hope you guys are enjoying it!

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