4~ special happy birthday wish <3

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I ran back to Yunari. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I was scared!" She yelled as soon as she noticed my return. She had a furious face expression.

" sorry there was a long row for the toilets..." I explained looking at her. She could see the lie in my eyes. Ow damn I hate lying to her... I wanted to tell her about that creep?... saver?... stranger.

I took a deep breath and began "ok I wasn't on the toilet. You see the necklace was in the bag. And the bag was backstage and-"

"Y/n..." her eyes was narrowed to my neck. What is it with my neck today? She continued "your!... YOUR SOULMATE MARK!!!" She grabbed my neck.

I pushed her away and reached for my phone. She was right. A little mark right under my ear.

My eyes widened "wow" was all I could get out

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My eyes widened "wow" was all I could get out. Yunari was all over the floor. People around us gave us wired looks and I just sat there staring. "That must be why he looked that much at my neck" I thought out loud.

Yunari stopped her cheering. "What boy!?"

"Just a staff I met backstage when I tried to find the necklace you gave me... it's a long story and to summon up, he helped me find it and saved me from one of the security guards. What was his name again... oh yeah it was-" I was cut off by the screaming Yunari. I realised it was the show that just began and 7 boys stepped out on stage.

"Sorry Y/n can you tell the story after?<3" she yelled through the loud crowd.

I couldn't really see the faces of the boys. We where quite far from the stage. The first song began and the crowd not sang but screamed to the song DAZE DAZE DAZE...

I was happy to see Yunari this happy. The song ended and a boy with fox eyes appeared on the big screen. He said "HELLO ENGEEEEENE!!" And the crowd replied with screams and words muffled together. The boy laughed as a new boy appeared on the screen. A boy with a very pretty face and by Yunaris scream I quickly figured that must be Sunghoon.

"Thank you all so much for coming how are y'all?" He said with a shy smile. Again the crowd replied.

So it went on with some talking, but then... a recognisable face came on the screen. I squinted my eyes to make sure I saw what I saw. My jaw fell open. That's, that's the staff Riki... the boy backstage...

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I outburst so loud Yunari turned to look at me. "That's the staff that helped me backstage Yunari!!" I tried to tell her.

She laughed, she must think I was joking. "YUNARI I MEAN IT! THAT BOY IS THE STAFF NO IDOL RIKI WHO HELPED ME!!"

"Yeah and I'm obamas cosine" she joked and turned her attention to the stage again. I was in shock

The boy began his little speech " did you all like the new album manifesto?" Where to the crowd replied with lots of responses
"It's such a special day today! I got to meet all engene AND I also got to know one person among the crowd is celebrating their birthday today as well!!!!" The crowd screamed and my mouth went wide open. The other boys from Enhypen looked confused at Riki but went with it.

"Why don't we all wish her a happy 16th birthday???!!! ONE TWO THREE HAPPY BIRTHADAYYY" everybody in the stadium screamed happy birthday.

Yunari turned to me who was in just as much shock as I was. "You... YOU WEREN'T KIDDING!!!" She outburst as a new song began. She then took a grin on my shoulders trying to shake some sense into both of us.

I'm sure that was for me or is there anybody else in the crowd that magically also turned 16 today???

After a couple songs I had finally reached myself again and Yunari on the other hand was over the top with energy. Enhypen found some chairs and began a little chit chat before bringing up a bowl with a lot of paper in. A guy Yunari told me was Jungwon the leader introduced the bowl and said "this is a lot of engenes most asked questions that we would like to answer personally here today."

He reached his hand into the bowl and took out a peace of paper and read aloud "does Enhypen have any pets?" Jungwon took the lead and answered " oooh there have actually been a lot of confusion about that" which to the other boys nodded " in June we layer up pictures of a kitten on weverse and a lot of people thought it was ours, but unfortunately it is our staffs kitten, so no we do not have any pets!" Jungwon finished "yet!" Jay supplied and made everybody laugh.

" ok next question" Jungwon handled the bowl on to jake who took another piece of paper " who is enhypens ideal soulmate?"
"Ooooh another great question" jake stated. They took a whole round where all the boys got to answer themselves.

Then it was Rikis  turn "emmm I would like someone who wear a lot of jewellery" the boys laughed and heeseung replied "Niki have been obsessed with jewellery lately"

Riki continued "and has a heart of gold if you know what I mean!" A lot of owww and nuuurgh sounded from the crowd and Riki got shy all of sudden.

Yunari puffed my shoulder "it's a good thing I gave you that necklace today Y/n" she laughed.

I looked down on the little golden heart with my name incarcerated and I could feel a smile grow on my lips.

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