7 ~ deal?<3

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My body stiffened and I quickly looked Riki. I could tell he was also panicking.

We quickly got up from our comfortable seats and rushed out of the pavilion into the rain. We ran and I could sense that someone was following us. I looked back and saw a couple girls following screaming "NIKIIIII DON'T RUUUUN!!! BABYYYY!!"

We kept running and suddenly Riki pulled me into the side of some dark alley. I was panting an I could hear Rikis heavy breath. The girls passed the dark alley. I caught myself starring at Riki who did the same. We began giggling which turned into laughter. "That was scary" I was able to let out through the laughter. He just nodded and sat down but then said "you okay?" looking up at me through his eyebrows. "I think so haha" i told him.

I sat down with him. It was so weird, I felt so close to him though I have only met him a couple times. If Yunari knew this she would definitely freak out. If these girls recorded me and Riki together, Yunari wouldn't forgive me.

"I think I should make my way back to the dorms but it was nice seeing you little looser" he said. I gave him a cold stare and an elbow in the side which made him giggle. He got up and offered me his hand to lift me up from the ground. "It was nice meeting you too Riki"

He then proceeded to take on his mask and a hood and went out of the dark alley. We went our separate ways. I took out my phone to see a lot of notifications popping up. It was notifications from hybe insta and other media's. They published the announcement about the additions in 3 days. I sighed. Maybe I should try for the auditions? Nah it's impossible... right?

I turned off my phone as I entered my grandparents apartment. Everybody was asleep it seemed. I went to the fridge to grab some leftover nachos. I sat down at the dinner table and had to take a minute to let my body understand what was going on. That was when I realised RIKI HAVN'T GIVEN ME THE ALBUM. I growled and leaned my head back opening my phone again.

Seems like you have no other choice but to meet me again looser XD

Yeah why not get us both killed while trying to meet up again? Stupid.

Owwww why so grumpy? I know you would love to meet  with me again hahah.


But you are right. It's a bit risky to be outside.
What about you come visit me? I'm free October 17th, deal?

... ok, deal. To get the album. I'll see you then.

Haha I knew it! I'll see you! Night night and sleep tight little looser;)

For gods sake I'm not- nvm goodnight.
17th of October. Three days from now. Only for the album... or maybe a cup of coffee too? I smiled of the thought but stopped as soon as I caught myself. I yawned and opened tik tok. Searched NIKI ENHYPEN. It wasn't because I stalked him, I just wanted to see what kind of boy he was. A lot of tik toks of him dancing, smiling and being with his members popped up. He really did look good, better in real life tho. That's just a fact, not because I like him. I smiled at my phone again and giggled more as I kept watching. Then I played some of their songs, some of them I remembered from their concert. They really was good. I fell asleep listening to a song named HEY TAYO.
I woke up in my warm bed. How I love fall break. This time it was grandma who woke me up. She smiled and slowly sat down on my bed and softly spoke "do you wanna join me on a trip to the market today Y/n?". I opened my eyes fully and nodded. I loved going shopping with grandma as she always buys me a treat. Maybe I'm too old for that but I don't care.

I got my clothes on and put my hair in a ponytail. We slowly made our way down to the market. We reached the little street with all the shops and many people. We went into a little grocery shop and I slowly began getting all the stuff we needed.

We went out on the street again when a group of girls my age stopped us. I looked surprised by them as the whispered among themselves before one, which I assume to be the leader of the pack, spoke up. "aren't you the girl from tik tok. The one Niki liked at the meet&greet?". I looked surprised at them and my grandma raised her eyebrows and looked just as confused at me.

"Emmm yeah, I guess that's me? But he doesn't like me, we just talked" I said looking from the other girls to the leader. "Hmp don't you know how lucky you are?! He totally likes you, didn't you see how he looked at you?!! Though I don't understand him" she said in a sharp hard tone, while I and grandma just stared at her. "Come on girls" she finally said while walking away from me giving me the side eye.

I could see grandma was going to ask so I quickly stopped her saying " it's nothing really. They're just nervous about themselves.". My grandma took my underlaying message and moved on down the street.

If these girls knew I was going to meet him again in a couple days they would have freaked out. That reminded me of Yunari... I should probably tell her, especially if I keep on seeing him. Will she be mad and jealous? I tried to think of something else while walking down the street.
A/n : IM SO SORRY FOR NOT WRITING FOR SO LONG!!! I had some problems at home. <3 love u

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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