5~"Hello my name is Y/n"<3

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The concert ended and I had to admit, I really liked their music like a lot! They also seemed like a pretty fun group.

The lady who waited at the entrance before came to gather the people who also bought tickets for the fanmeet. We where escorted to a big room full of chairs and a little stage with 7 more chairs and a long table.

"I CANT BELIEVE IT! IM ACTUALLY GOING TO MEET THEM NOW! IM ACTUALLY GOING TO TALK WITH SUNGHOON NOW!!!!" Yunari outburst. I could see she wasn't the only one in the room exited. I on the other hand was a little nervous. What shall I say to them? I know their names now but beside that I still know nothing about them!

Yunari took a seat beside a guy who had a edgy kinda style. I sat down beside her meanwhile she kept rambling about how magical the concert was and how she knew Sunghoon will turn out to be her soulmate.

"I admit they where quite handsome" I added and her eyes went teacup open.

"FINALLY YOURE BECOMMING AN ENGENE!!!!!" She yell whispered.

I was quick to respond " I wouldn't say engene but maybe I'll begin listening to their music." I shook my shoulders.

"one day you will become an engene I can feel it. And then you'll probably fall in love with the best Sunghoon too!" She said dreaming.

The edgy boy on her right suddenly began speaking "well I mean yeah Sunghoon is fantastic but what about Sunoo!? He's a whole another league!!!!"

We both turned to look at him and Yunari began a long speech about Sunghoon. They slowly began debating about who's bias was the best. I just watched entertained. "Sunghoon can ice skate professionally AND he has the prettiest fangs when he smile!" Yunari informed which the boy then replied with " but Sunoo is cuter and his smiler is wider. You can't stop smiling when he smiles!!!"

Yunari turned to me "What do you think Y/n?!" She looked sceptical.

Why should I suddenly be a part of this conversation? "Eummmm I think... I think... I like Riki the most? Hehe..." I answered hesitantly. He was the one I new the best of them and I can't shake off the feeling of his wam hands on my neck... SNAP OUT OF IT Y/N!!!!

Just like that some doors opened and the boys entered the stage. They looked even better close up. Everybody including Yunari and edgy boy squealed and all attention was pointed towards the members.

I locked eyes with Riki for a moment. He smirked slowly as he saw me among the people. I needed to break the contact before it would be too obvious. I sat down to catch my breath. Damn why is my body acting like this?! Why is HE making me feel like this?! I never feel anything for any celebrities, I never had.

They all sat down and one by one the people was called up in order to meet the fantastic Enhypen. Midway a girl fainted sitting across from Heeseung and some staff needed to get her out.

It seemed like edgy boy and Yunari came off quite well and all I had to do was listen and wait.

Finally it was Yunaris turn and she almost ran up to the stage to sit by each of the members for 2 minutes per. Person.

Two minutes passed and they called up my number.

I slowly made my way to the stage and sat across from Jungwon. He started the conversation "hello what's your name?" He gave me a kind smile while letting his head rest on his palm. " my name is Y/n nice to meet you!" I greeted.

I think the members where trained in holding a conversation going because they did quite well.

After almost the whole group I made it to jake. He looked like a puppy. A golden retriever with his cherish smile. "Hi im Y/n!" I started to which he followed " Hey Y/n, did you like our concert today?!" I laughed a little and answered "yeah it was Really great actually! Im really impressed with your talent and-" I tug my hair up in a little bun because of the heat and Jakes attention flew to my soulmate mark. His eyes went wide open and so did his mouth while I confused continued " and... and em you where all really great in all the aspects... and.. " I stopped

He quickly came back to earth and realised he was staring "I'm sorry I just think your soulmate mark... seems a little familiar hahah" he laughed it off but I could see he was holding something back. I wanted to ask but the bell rang and I moved on to Riki.

As soon as he saw me his face lit up. "Hey Y/n!!" He said before I could even get a word in. "Hey Riki. Niki?" I asked questionably

"I've already told you, you could call me Riki." He said assuring

"Oh yeah that... you see I am actually here for my friend who's a big fan and I didn't even know who you were until the concert began. And-" he cut me off laughing

"I was pretty surprised to see you on stage tho and oh yeah the happy birthday thing I-" I face palmed myself thinking about it which just made him giggle even more.

When he finished his laughing he went on " but hey congrats and also with the soulmate mark..." he once again let his yes fall down on my neck.

"Thanks! How old are you? Have you received your yet?" I asked.

"I'm 16 years old turning 17 in December so yeah I have gotten mine, but I need to cover it up for the company" he whispered over the table.

I could smell his cologne. He was so close and so mesmerising. I was in a trance like state for a moment before he snapped me out of it.

"I'll tell you something" he leaned even closer and whispered "Here I'll give you my autograph so you won't forget me. What should you do without me?! You would loose all your jewellery" he laughed and I made an irritated expression which just made him laugh even harder.

I received his little paper as I left the table and he winked goodbye with the same smirk as in the start.

I opened the paper with his autograph but... the autograph wasn't the only thing on the paper... a little note with let's be friend followed by a mobile number was there too...

The soulmate underneath [Niki x reader]Where stories live. Discover now