Love on First Sight Chapter Eight

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As I take out my blade I slice the skin on my wrist and watch the red stream fall into the sink. I don't feel the pain form the cut because I've been doing it for so long. I do a few more and clean up the blood and put the blade back into my makeup bag. I look at my wrists and clean them too. I put on my bracelets to cover them so people don't see them. I wipe the tears from my face and walk out the bathroom. I go lay back down on my bed and slowly fall asleep. I wake up startled by hands on my waist. "It's ok babe it's just me" Luke says softly cuddling me and pulling me close to him. I wrap my arm in his hugging it. "Babe what's wet on your pillow" he says pointing at my pillow. I get my phone and turn on the flash. It was red and that made my heart skip like a million beats. My heart is racing at this point. "Marissa what's that, why is it red" he asks me with a face of fear. He just looks at me and a tear falls down his face. "Babe is that blood" he asked me taking my hand looking at my wrists. He looks at them and touches them. I look down as the tears flow from my eyes. "Babe why did you do this to yourself" he asked me still holding my wrists. I can't even look at him because I know he's going to have a face of sadness and hurt. My lap is wet from my tears. He sits up and pulls me into his lap cradling me close to him. "Babe please don't ever cut again I'm hear for you always" he says kissing the top of my head. "I don't want to loose you ever Marissa, you're my everything and I don't think I could live with out you" He said hugging me tight. I just cry really hard hugging his arm and letting everything out. My heart is hurting. "I love you Marissa so much my heart hurts" he said lifting my head up looking into my eyes. He wipes my tears away and kisses me softly. He then looks at my writs taking off my bracelets. I just look at him and watch his face as it fills with hurt and sadness. He gets up and goes the the bathroom coming back with bandages. He cleans my cuts and wraps my wrists. When he's done he kisses my wrists and grabs a sharpie. When he's done writing it says "I love you babe stay strong for me sincerely your boy friend Luke". I look at him hugging him "I love you too Luke so much" I say as I back away. I look at my pillow and the red stain on it. He takes off the case and leaves. I wait for his return and while waiting I put on a jacket. It's was a little chilly. When he comes back he comes with the other guys. "Marissa, Luke told us what happened" Ashton says walking toward me. "Luke you told them" I say looking at him hurt. "I dropped the case and they bombarded me with questions babe" he says looking down. "Kitten you know I'm always here for you no matter what" Mikey says sitting next to me looking hurt. "Marissa we all love you very much and wouldn't know what to do if something was to happen to you" Calum says sitting on the end of the bed. They all look at me but the one that hit me like a car was Ashton. He had a tear fall from his eye. I just burst into tears uncontrollably and non stop. I bury my face in to my hands sobbing. "Marissa I love you too much to let you hurt yourself again" Ashton says with a raspy voice. I look at him and his grabs me and hugs me tightly. I hear his heart beating fast and his tears fall on to my head. I'm in his lap just crying and letting everything out. The other boys hug me and Ashton. "Talk to us Marissa when ever you feel the need to cut again, please for us" Luke says. I feel them lift up one by one but Ashton is still hugging me. He leans me back and lifts up my face to look at it. He take off his shirt and wipes my face with it. "Marissa Please promise you'll come to one of us before you do anything hurting yourself ever agin" he says liking into my eyes as a tear falls. "I promise you all that I'll come to you if I ever want to cut again" I say barely. He hugs me again and I hug him back. He kisses my head and get up with me in his arms. He puts me in the ground and looks at me. I hand him his shirt back but he just gives it back. "Keep it so that when I'm not here it'll remind you that you're not alone" he says kissing my head again walking away. Mikey get up and hugs me tight and picks me up throwing me over this shoulders. "Mikey what are you doing" I say giggling. He starts walking away and down the stairs he goes. I just lay there wondering what's going to happen next. He sets me on the couch and puts a blanket on me and gets in next to me. "We are going to watch Disney movies and eat popcorn" He says hugging me. Luke sits on the other side of me and Ashton sits on the floor in front of me. He rest on my legs and looks back at me smiling. Calum sits next to him after putting in a movie and starting the popcorn. We are watching Beauty and the Beast when we get a knock on the door. Ash pauses the movie and gets up answering the door. "Hey Luke, Mikey, Calum" he says calling on them to come over there. We all get up to see who it is. It was their manager. "You guys need to get ready to leave we are so late for the next concert it's not funny" He says concerned. "How late" Mikey asks. "Like two or one days behind schedule" He says thumbing through some papers. "Oh shit we need to leave" Luke says scared. "Who is she" the manager asked pointing towards me. "That's kitten aka Marissa Luke's girlfriend" Mikey says hugging me. "Hi I'm nice to meet you" I say outing my hand out to shake his. He takes it nodding and smiling at me. "She's really pretty Luke" he says. "Thanks mate I know she is" He says kissing my head. "Can she come with us on the tour" He asked. "Yeah but we have to let One Direction know too, you know they like running around in their underwear" the manager says laughing. "Thanks sir that means a lot" I say smiling at him. "Call me Jason" he says smiling. "Alright go get your stuff and let's go we are leaving now" he says to the boys and me. I run up stairs and pack clothes quickly and run down stairs. The tour bus is really long and big. I wait for Luke who's the last to walk out. He takes my hand and we walk to the bus. When we get one its bigger than what I thought. Tables and chairs along with really small bunks. "This is my bunk and its better than everyone else's because it's mine" Mikey says showing me his bunk. I laugh and try finding a place to put my stuff. "Over here Marissa" Luke says putting his stuff in a small closet. I put my Stuff with his and take his hand smiling at him. "This is going to so much fun babe" He says kissing my forehead. I smile at him "Where's your bunk babe" I ask him liking around. "Under Mikey's unfortunately" he says making a funny face. "Why so unfortunate" I ask chuckling. "He farts a lot" he says covering his nose. I laugh walking to Luke's bunk laying in it and getting comfortable. He lays next to me and cuddles me. I feel him okay with my hair and I slowly drift to sleep. I'm close and I here him whisper in my ear. "I love you Marissa so much you don't even know it but I'll show you and you'll know how special you really are". I fall asleep and wake up to voices and bright lights. "Hey the lads are hear" I hear Mikey yell. I get out of Luke's bunk and my jaw drops when I see the Liam, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Niall standing in front of me. "Who's the beauty standing there" Harry asks winking at me. "My girl friend" Luke says hugging me. "Hey beautiful" Harry says hugging me. Little did I know today was going to go from good to horrible.....

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