Love on First Sight (Chapter Three)

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I see it's my ex and shut the door on his face. Luke looks at me confused. I hear knocking on the door and my ex saying "Bitch I know your in there I just saw you". He bangs on the door. Luke asks me "Marissa who is that?" I tell him he was my ex and explain to him that he took it hard when I broke up with him. There was more banging and Luke got upset and got up. Before he moved I grabbed his hand and said "Babe please don't get to upset and please above all don't get hurt". He looks at me and kisses my forehead. He walks to the door and opens it. "She does not want to speak with you right now and wants you to leave" said Luke with a stern voice. My ex looks at him and laughs saying "Seriously Marissa you could do so much better". That makes me mad so I get up and go to the door pushing Luke out of the way and say "Look bitch I am doing better and I wish you would eave me the fuck alone" He looks at me and pushes me out of the way so fast I hit the door with my head. I scream in pain and Luke bends down and looks at me "Babe are you ok" I nod and he gets up to say something to my ex. "Dude what the fuck is wrong with you shes a girl" and my ex looks at me and laughs "So whats that supposed to mean" Luke pushes him saying "Dude back the fuck up off my porch and leave and never come back". My ex walks up to him and punches him in the face. Luke looks very pissed it scares me so I get up and walk in between them saying "Seriously dude back the fuck up off my boyfriend and you don't fight please". M ex slaps me so hard my breathe got knocked out of me and that make Luke furious. Luke runs and knocks the hell out of my ex and e falls on the ground while Luke is on top punching him and not stopping. Which scares me cause it was a nonstop motion. i get up and pull him off of my ex and say "Babe please stop" I'm crying at this point and he can see that. He hugs me and kisses my cheek saying "Ok babe for you I wont kill him but, if he puts another hand on you I wont stop and you wont make me ok" I nod and kiss him on the lips. He turns around looking at my ex I do too and see that hes hurt and bleeding a lot. "Don't you ever and I mean ever put your hands on my girlfriend again!!!!" Luke yells and then he says "Now get the fuck up and never come back". My ex gets up and does exactly whats he said but yells " This is not over I mean it she will be mine". Luke walks me back inside and we go to the couch and sit down. He grabs my face and says "Babe your bleeding" I look at him like really I didn't feel it. He gets up to get a rag with warm water. He wipes my lip I cringe cause it hurt from the hit. I say to him "I bet I looks bad why would you want to kiss me with my lip like this" He laughs at me and kisses my hurt lip then starts to fully kiss me. He puts his hand on my thy and makes his way to my waist. I pull away and say "Babe I'm hungry" he looks at me and laughs saying "Ok go get ready and call yours friends and I'll call the boys we can have like a hangout or something" I nod and run up stares to get a shower. I realize I have no clothes or underwear I run downstairs to tell Luke I need clothes and see Ashton, Calum, and Micheal standing at the door they look at me surprised. I remember I'm only wearing a towel Luke comes and sees me standing there and winks at me then realizes the boys are just staring at me. He runs to me hiding me saying "Hey you guys shes mine" and Calum says "Shes hot how did you get her" Ashton and Micheal laugh and agree. "Because I wanted him and he wanted me that's how" I say grinning and kiss Luke on the cheek and say "Babe I need clothes so I'm going to borrow a shirt and gym shorts ok" he nods and says "I bet you'll look hot with my clothes on" I punch him in the arm and kiss him one more time before I run up stairs and get his clothes on. I text Ashley and Kathryn to go to my house and get me some clothes and to come over and hang out with me and the boys. It was like two minutes later and they came with my clothes so I put on my Blink 182 shirt, my black skinny jeans with the knees ripped up and my black vans. I also had my Nirvana bracelet. I have some great friends I think to myself. I go down stairs and see everybody watching tv and i go to sit next to Luke and he grabs me by my waist and swings me into his arms and kisses me. Ashley and Kathryn at the same time say "Awwwwwww" while the boys say "Hey love birds get a room" I stop kissing him and blush he puts me on the couch and we picked out a scary movie to watch and cover up in a blanket and watch it. On one part I scream like a baby an Luke pulls me close whispering "Baby I got you nothing going to happen to you" and kisses my forehead. When the movie was finished my friends were asleep and so were the guys. Luke and I go upstairs. I get undressed in the bathroom and put on one of Luke's big plaid button up shirts and crawl into his bed. He comes from the bathroom and runs and jumps on top of me and begins to tickle me. I laugh and squirm around "Oh my gosh babe" I say almost out of breathe he gets off of me. "I love you so MUCH Marissa" he says and looks me in the eyes and kisses me. "I love you to Luke more than you'll ever think" I say between kisses. I feel his hand moving towards my thy and he begins to kiss my neck then I pause and say "Lukey I'm tired". He looks at me and nods. Luke put his arms around me and pulled me close. I feel his breathe on my neck, it soothes me and I fall asleep.

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