A Kid? (Shadow POV)

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I woke up and I burst into a fit of coughing.

I felt even worse than yesterday.

My body ached when I sat up.

Which was when Sonic appeared with a cup of something that smelled herbal.

"It's the Sonic special cure all." Sonic said with an attempt at a grin.

Honestly? It could of been his own piss and I probably still would have drank it. My throat just felt that bad.

I took it from him and sipped at it slowly.

It tasted sweet yet bitter.

Sonic waited patiently until I had finished it and then went and made another and left.

I used the time that he was gone to lay back down.

I was so confused.

If Sonic really hadn't betrayed me then how the hell did Rose get her hands on my blood?

It didn't make sense.

I groaned.

I felt awful and now I had to use the bathroom.

I wearily stood up and stumbled my way in there.

I took a piss and then I decided to take the hottest shower I could.

I needed heat desperately.

I groaned in satisfaction as the water cleansed me.

It felt great and I was almost able to walk normally afterward and I went back to the couch.

I don't know how long I laid there.

But eventually I heard talking.

"Eggman got him?" Rose was asking worriedly.

"Yeah. Shads is not feeling his best right now. Kinda like Silver." I heard Sonic say testily.

"UGH! Look! I know okay! I fucked up!" Amy suddenly shouted.

"You did. That kid should have never been with Egghead. He should have been with team Sonic." Sonic growled.

My ears perked.

A kid?

"I know but. That wasn't a option at the time." Amy growled.

"Yes it was. Sure. We might have had to fight Shadow but.. It was an option." Sonic told Amy sternly.

Why would I fight over a kid?

I snorted and snot got all over my chest fur.


I groaned loudly.

I wasn't willing to go pick up napkins from the kitchen and I wasn't animal enough to wipe it off.

"Look. I understand why you won't say anything but. If you haven't manned up and told Shadow by tomorrow I'm telling him and I'm showing him Silver. He deserves it." Sonic said with a growl before coming inside and looking at me.

I just stared at the ceiling.

Sonic chuckled but went and got me a napkin which I snatched from him and cleaned myself with thank you very much.

I then laid in silence for awhile before deciding to ask a question.

"Sonic. Who is Silver?" I asked out of curiousity.

"A hedgehog. I'll tell you more tomorrow." Sonic told me.

I nodded and then decided to take a nap.

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