A Child Of My Own Creation (Shadow POV)

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I had just woken up when I heard a voice outside.

"Okay. Silver I'm going to give you a signal. When I hold up this finger. You walk in, okay?" I heard Sonic telling Silver outside.

Silver. A hedgehog.

I wonder what made him so special?

And then Sonic strolled in and closed the door before I could catch a glimpse outside.

I growled in frustration.

I was curious damnit!

"Alright Shadow. Before we begin the introductions. Have you ever handled a child before?" Sonic asked me determinedly.

I snorted and snot got all over me again.


Sonic chuckled and went and got me napkins.

I wiped myself off once more and then I sat up slowly.

"No. I have not. I have seen children but I have never really interacted with them." I admitted.

Sonic nodded.

"Okay. Well. This one is traumatized and messed up. He doesn't realize it but. I'm hoping you will be able to help him." Sonic told me with a sad face.

I tilted my head. 

"How?" I asked.

"He was a lab rat for eggman. Got tested on with all kinds of who knows what. Had his blood taken often and well. It's just not good. I know you are an alien and that your blood is poisonous and that you were with eggman for a time. Did he ever do this kinda stuff to you or try?" Sonic asked me.

It was like war flashbacks. My mind went straight to the ARK and Maria and back when those scientist would poke and prod at me.

"No. Different scientists. I know what you are talking about. Bring the kid in here." I demanded.

"Not yet. One more thing. Be gentle okay? Don't be mean or rude. Just. Try to understand." Sonic told me softly.

I nodded and then Sonic held up his pinkie.

I watched as the door opened slowly revealing a Silver furred/Quilled kid with bright golden eyes.

He looked around the room nervously before his eyes landed on me.

I just stared at him.

He was so small. Why was eggman experimenting on someone so young?

"Come." I ordered softly.

Silver immediately walked over.

Like a soldier.

I felt something in my heart give and I hugged him softly. 

Which was when his scent hit me.

I hadn't been focusing on it since I was too busy studying the rest of him but with him this close I couldn't ignore it.

The kid smelled like Foxglove.

A poisonous flower known to cause death.

I drew away and he stared at my face.

I stared back for a long moment.

"Silver. Why do you smell like Foxglove?" I asked him curiously.

"What's a foxglove?" Silver asked me in confusion.

"A purple plant that is known to kill people." I explained to him.

Silver still looked confused.

"Bad purple plant. Hurts the people who eat it." I explained in kid talk.

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