Chapter 1: Summer of july 15th

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Majority of the characters included in this story does not belong to me.

The plot is not related to the original storyline of BNHA. And the original scenarios won't be mention in this story.

That said , I hope you enjoy!!

15th of July , in the middle of summer, the sun shined lustrously, the breeze was cool complimenting the warmth of summer air. Cicadas chimed their tunes above the trees joined by the chirps of birds and bees. The sky was exceptionally painted with hues of blue.
It was a perfect day.

Toshinori yagi was pacing back and forth along the  white long halls of Miyagi General Hospital. His wife inko yagi was in the delivery room for quite a while now.

It was 9:36am that day, Toshinori was washing the dishes after he and his wife finished their breakfast together, Inko was at the living room sofa sipping a warm cup of hot chocolate, topped with mini heart and flower marshmallows made by her husband.

The sound of a cup breaking, was suddenly heared by Toshinori, followed by a loud wail from his wife, at that moment Toshinori immediately puts down the plates he was scrubbing and ran towards where his wife was.

"Honey i think my water broke!"

Inko exclaimed,she whimpered from the pain as she held her belly.

Toshinori's Pov:

It was a typical day like any other, I woke up at 6:05am as the sunshine peaked its way through the curtain gaps , making a ray of light across my face, it wasn't particularly bright but it was enough for me to see the the structures of our bedroom and make me squint and get up. I carefully went out of bed ,my wife still asleep beside me. I kissed her head as she breath sofly making my lips curl into a smile. I quickly went downstairs to prepare both our breakfast, sunny side up eggs, and chicken soup,  along with a butter toasted bread and a cup of hot coffee for the two of us

After the preparation of our meal,  I washed myself and woke my wife up, asking her to come have breakfast together like we usually do every morning.  My wife, 9 month pregnant and is due in about 4 days.

  she mostly pass her time in our house preparing and resting.
After breakfast I made her a cup of hot chocolate with tinny little heart marshmallows, same as she always made for me when I get off work.
I gave her the cup of hot choco as she sat on the sofa, gave her a little peck on the cheek and told her to call me anytime she needed something. I went in the kitchen to do my task, I took a day off from my work to help assist my wife on household I have done for the past couple of days..

I heard a crash coming from where my wife was, followed with a cry of pain  coming from her

out of reflex I drop the dishes and ran towards her.

She was standing there nearly crouched with her right hand holding her belly as clear fluid flowed between her legs.

I stood there for a second, stunned and was snapped back immediately  as my wife called out to me


without a word I hurriedly help my wife as she cries in pain. I scooped her gently on my arms , my shirt still soaked from the water splashes from the kitchen sink.

I hurriedly run towards the door, my wife cradled on my arms and flied towards the Miyagi General Hospital.

[Present time]

Toshinori's Pov:

As I waited impatiently in the halls of the hospital , I paced back and forth worried that something bad will happened during my wife's childbirth, nervous I crossed my arm as my right hand was placed on my mouth , fiddling with my lips

"Its already been 2 hours..." I mumbled finally stopping and sat myself on one of the blue chairs provided in the waiting area.

Arms crossed my right leg was shaking up at down either from nervousness and impatient or the cold air-conditioned in the hospital, not to mention my shirt still half soaked from what I was doing this morning. I waited for about five more minutes and finally the door opened and came out one of the nurse who was tending my wife.

"Mr Yagi your wife is ready to see you now, congratulations"

The nurse calmly told me, making a gesture telling me to get in, she handed a blue coat and a haircap for me to wear before entering the room.

Chapter 1: completed!!

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