Chapter 11: New path to continue

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Yokoyama's Pov:

It was obvious that the kid didn't want to talk about his situation. He even refused to go back home.

Just what on earth has this kid had gone through.. I wondered as I took a glance at him from the front view mirror.

He stayed quiet. So quiet that if you weren't aware that you were with him, you wouldn't even feel his presence.

Looking at him now, I can guess that he's about 10 or 11. I have no choice then, ill have to bring him with me.

" Why don't you come with me kid"

" P-pardon?"

I can tell that he wasn't expecting me to say or suggest that idea.

" hmmm, I cant just leave you alone, not after what you did a minute ago. So what do u say?"

He paused for a moment, probably thinking if he should trust me or not. Thats fair, I am but a stranger who was coincidentally on the same rooftop when he decided to jump off. Its good that he still has his guard up, if he didn't agree then I guess ill have to take him by forc-

" Ok.."

He agreed... " Alright kid, you're in good hands, Im Yokoyama Tokoda "

" I-izuku, you can call me Izuku sir"

He mumbled, his voice is that of a mouse in hiding.

" Nice to meet you Izuku, We'll arrive at our location at dawn".

Izuku's pov:

I dont know if I'm making the right decision. Right now the person that I could put my trust in is the man infront of me.

Everyone i know had lied to me. My parents, my sister , my friend and even the No. 1 hero I looked up to

Everything in my life has all been a lie. Could I really trust this man...

[ Darlings remember stranger danger~

Aight proceed 👩‍🦯]

In the end I agreed. He said he's name was Yokoyama Tokoda. I dont know where he's taking me but he said we'll arrive at tomorrow's dawn.

I sat quietly in my sit, my gaze fixed on the car window. Eventually my body could only take too much, I felt my eyes slowly drooping, my limbs weakens as I fell into slumber.

" Where am i.."

For some reason I found myself laying in the cold damp ground.
I stood up and looked around wondering why I'm in such a place.
Darkness covered the area, no source of light around.

" Hello?, someone, anybody there?"
I shout, no response
The place I'm in didn't have any sounds
As if you could hear a pin drop, but I can tell that I was in some kind of forest.

"What am i doing here.."

I started to walk around.
The crunch of muddy soil and rocks made noise as I walked through them.
Scared and confused on how I got here, I kept going while I called for help.

my feet began to cramp as the wet floor of the forest forced its way in my shoes.
My fingers began to tremble , cold humid air and fog surrounded my already freezing body.

I walked and walked seeking for someone or something. But without luck i found nothing, I felt like the forest kept on changing and for some reason shrinking.

Realizing what was happening, I started to run fast.

" faster, faster!!"

My surroundings started to spiral, the snapping trees and old barks started to echo throughout the whole forest. Branches tried to grabbed hold of me as I struggled to escape. Leaving scratches and wounds.

Thud! I blacked out. My head was spinning while my ears ringed.

" what happened " I tried to stand up, I held my head as I felt warm sticky liquid streaming down my forehead

I stood up and looked around, dragging my tired body on the dark floor of some kind of abyss. My shoes still damp and muddy from the forest floor I was in a while ago.

Just then, I saw something from the far distance, immediately I walked over curious and desperate to get out of this wormhole.

" Is this some kind of funeral?..."

Three rows of white vacant chairs were placed diagonally, well i cant really tell since the place im in was a dark cold void.
No corners no nothing.

Infront was a white casket with silver brims, white lilies were scattered around it. In the corner of the casket was a man dressed cleanly in a white suit. looking at the person inside the casket.

" hello...excuse me sir"
I approached him slowly as I called out to him. Like before there was no response, I attempted to grab one of his arms , but my hands went through him. I called out to him again panic in my voice when I realized the man was me. I was staring at myself but he was slightly older..?

My right eye had a long clawmark making its way to my chin. My eyes were dark and sunken, void of light as I stare at the casket infront of me. I fell back in both shock and fear, hitting the casket from behind. I turned around and saw myself again, but this time he wore the same uniform I was wearing.
My lifeless body laid infront of me. As the other one stood beside me.

" what the hell?"
I fell down as I tried to walk back, the air suddenly starts to feel cold and heavy, My view started to spiral as I heared the beating of my heart getting faster and louder.

I woke up in cold sweat. It was just a dream, I touched my right eye out of reflex, gasping for air as if I had ran a

" oh you're awake, you ok kid?"

" y-yes, Im fine, i just had a nightmare"

Mr. Yokoyama must've noticed my panting and ask if I needed something, I declined telling him it was only a dream.

" Uhm excuse me, Mr. Yokoyama sir? May i ask what time is it?"

It was raining hard outside, but the scene was still dark, looking at the car window, rain drops streamed in the tinted glass.

" Its 5:11, we'll arrive at our destination in 30 mins"

" I see, thankyou ".

5:11.. I was out for 8 long hours.

The two sat in comfortable silence
Listening to the morning radio that was on. Izukus tense body relaxed for the first time as yokoyama drive their way to their destination.

Izuku didn't noticed that they were already on the outskirts of the city.
He wasn't familiar of the outside world.
He mostly spend his days in school or inside his room.

The vast greenery surrounded the pavement road track, gigantic trees covered the whole surrounding with its shadow, only small streaks of sunlight breaks its way in as it rained.

Not much cars passed by nor there were tall building. It was just pure vegetation
Izuku looked amazed on how beautiful the sight was. Yokoyama noticed , chuckling to himself as he compared izuku to a small puppy who went out on for walk for the first time.

The car finally turned to a stop, it made its way into some kind of tunnel inside the forest. The tunnel was big enough for a car to go in.

The dirt road was seem to have been made by the long passing of cars as two bald tracks had already marked the forest floor. Only a thin patch of grass was left between.

As they went deep inside, izuku kept his eyes glued to the window. Surprised and confused, he stared intensely but didn't questioned it.

The car was stopped by a silver gate. Covered with barb wires and signs warning us to go back the way we came from.

*Go back! *
* Authorized personnel only*
* No trespassing *

The signs were old, moss and rust covered the metal plates but the writings was still visible.

In seconds, the gate automatically opened.
2 small cameras hidden in the corner twist and turned gesturing that it was ok to go in.

After the car passed , the gate immediately closed. And the two proceeds.

Chapter 10 and 11: complete!!

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