Chapter 9: Shattered glass naturally scatters

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Izuku's pov:

Hours passed, I just laid quietly in my bed, cold path of tears still on my cheeks,
I listened to the clock as it made its rounds of ticks and tocks.

I cant even bring myself to recall the events that happened today, My minds too tired. My minds just went blank , preventing me to even think for a second or two.

Mom eventually came up and knocked, calling me for dinner and asking if I was ok, I didn't bother to respond, its like my mouth was glued shut from tiredness, I just layed on my bed unmoved, eventually she left.

She can't even bother to check a second time...
Eventually my stomach rumbled out of hunger, I havent had time to eat my lunch at school coz I was writing on my notebook, taking advantage of the empty classroom.

I decided to go downstairs and grab something to bite.
I forced my self to get up, my body trembling from mental and physical exhaustion, my feet felt like they were made out of cement. I dragged myself downstairs quietly, only to be met by the kitchen light open, I heared mumbles and saw My father and sister still talking.
I made a sour look and prepared myself to head back in my room when I heared my dad mentioning something about his quirk.

Toshinori :" Izumi, what im about to tell you, is something no one can ever know "

I stayed behind the walls trying to listen to there conversation, I didn't want to easedrop but something inside, wanted to know something.

Toshinori: My quirk isn't mine..
Izumi: What do you mean dad
Toshinori : sigh*.... I was once quirkless just like your brother
Izumi: What!?

What!? What does he mean by he was deemed quirkless? I stood there even more confused, I leaned my head on the wall as I tried to listen more clearly

Toshinori : "The power i have is a quirk that was passed down to me, throughout generations, the quirk One for all has been present for hundreds of years now,
The holders job is to master it and make use of it for the great or good, soon when they've done their roles, they must pick a successor and pass it down to them, leading them and make sure they'd do the same."

Izumi: What do you it was passed to you? Aren't you born with it?

Toshinori: Well not exactly, some people arent born with a quirk, just like your brother and I. fortunately my late master passed this power to me, and it helped my journey on becoming the no.1 hero as I am today. And I picked you Izumi be my successor

Izumi: Wait...are you serious dad?

Toshinori: are the best candidate, and you are worthy for this power.

What...WHAT!? , He didn't have a quirk like me? Yet...yet.

He picked Izumi, Then what about me!? What am I to him?, My eyes started to burn again, My heart pounding like crazy.

Izumi: What about Izuku? Why can't he be your successor ?

Izumi asked, i immediately flicked my attention, waiting for what he's about to say.

Toshinori: Sighs... I just, your brother doesn't have the potential.

At that moment something just snapped inside of me, like someone just blew out the last flame that helped me for the past 8 years.

I didnt bother to listen for what he was about to say next.. I ran towards my room. And locked the door. My face burning with anger. I wanted to yell, scream while running around. My ears were ringing.

My hatred towards my family has reached its peak. At that, I started rummaging in my room, I snatched my allmight posters, the latest figurines, plushies and photo album. I threw it in the trash and shred the posters along with cards and photo album. My hands bled from cuts, the freshly healed wounds opened, but I didnt care.

I didnt felt pain from my wounds, because the pain in my heart was already beyond that. I threw and ruined everything that had the face of my once no 1 hero.

I felt like I was drowning and was slowly running out of oxygen. My hands and feet felt numb, i felt like my body wasn't mine.

I dropped on the floor, my hands bleeding from the cuts and fresh healed wounds.
I gasped for air as warm tears streamed my face. I remained that way for 5 minutes, figuring out what should I even do. Should I keep pretending? Should I just ignore everything and try to live my life like before? I'm tired, I'm really really tired.

I felt burdened by everything, It feels like Boulders keep dropping down my back.
Preventing me to even breath and live life like a normal kid.

" Why don't you do yourself a favor, and take a swan dive off the roof."

"Thats it...ha...ahahahahaha , thats right I really should just take your advice kaachan "

Suddenly remembering what kachan said to me, i picked myself up and walked downstairs leaving the mess i made from my room and head towards the exit door.

I walked down the dark road illuminated by the streetlights of matsutafu,with the sounds of passing cars as a background.

I didnt know where I was going, I just let my body drag me somewhere, somewhere away from them. Away from everyone.

I found myself standing on the edge of a tall building, I looked over the speeding cars from the busy streets of Matsutafu.

Honks of horns, and busy lights danced around the dark cold streets.
Cold breeze passes through my hair, my school uniform followed the wind.

I never thought I'd give up on everyone. overwhelmed, conflicted and angry at everyone. Im finally agreeing to what kachan said.

" The moon is quite brilliant isn't it?"

Izumi's pov:

Dad explained the situation to mom when she heared a loud bang from upstairs.

I was shocked, I didn't know dad saved him just minutes before me and kachan said things to him at school. And he even got attacked by a villain.

I shook my head, thinking he really is a trouble magnet. The three of us agreed, although we didn't said it outlook, we left izuku alone and proceeded with having dinner.

Eventually Izuku didn't joined us, well its not a surprise, he rarely joined us for dinner. Mom decided to atleast make sure if he was ok and came back down with nothing.

We finished dinner, the three of us chatted a little and Dad sat me down, urging to tell me something. Mom picked up on the atmosphere and let herself excused.

Strange, what could be so important. I thought.

"My quirk isn't mine."
Dad started, He explained about how he was actually quirkless and that he inherited his power, that led him to be the no.1 hero in Japan.

I was shock, stunned even, I never thought that he had this big of a secret.

He then proceeded and told about the origin of his quirk and how every holder must pick a worthy successor. And he chosed me.

" Are you serious Dad?" Confused, and was a bit excited at the same time, I never thought dad thought of me that way

Wait, but what about brother?
" what about Izuku?"

Wait if dad can pass down his power, isn't good if he gave it to izuku? He could fulfill his dreams. I thought.

" I know what you're thinking, But Izuku...he just don't had it him"

My thoughts was put in to halt when dad continued with that comment. He then explained his observations about izuku for the past 8 years. Sadly it made sense and came to agree to what he just said.

Thought I was conflicted. Still don't know if I should accept this big responsibility

" I'm sorry dad, but..can you give me some time to think about it? "

Deep down, I know something didn't felt right, I didn't know why but my guts told me that if I had accept dads offer right away. Something big will crash down to me.

Dad signed, and said he understand that i needed time. He then smiled and told me to get some sleep and that we'll talk about it another day.

I smiled back, and went in my room. But that sinking feeling didnt go away.

" it'll probably go away tomorrow"

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