Chapter 12: Welcome to camp

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Izuku's pov:

I stared outside, amazed by the vast greenery surrounding us.
It was my first time looking at such beautiful scenery.
Instead of tall buildings and skyscrapers
Huge oak trees stood.

As the crack of morning sunlight leaked its way from the leaves above. The rain tapped the car window lightly.
The trees provided shade from both.

It was indeed beautiful.
The car made a turn to a tunnel towards the forest. The road stopped as we went forward. Only some tracks made from passing cars provided our way in.

Deeper and deeper, inside the forest
I was confused , where was Mr. Yokoyama taking me? I wondered but didn't bother to ask.

The car made a stop. A silver gate prevented us to continue our way in.
The gate was old, moss and rust started to take over the silver coating of the gate.
Barb wires was surrounding it along with signs warning us to not go any further.

A small hidden camera, purposely covered with moss and vines flickered its red light.
The gate automatically opened, and Mr. Yokoyama drove in. Squeak of metal was then heard as the gate closed from behind.
The car then went straight ahead.
Hundreds of questions started to fill my head.

Who is Mr. Yokoyama?
Is he some kind of villain?
Is that why there's alot of warning signs outside coz he's actually taking me to he's lair!
Is he actually kidnapping me? And disguised it as help?

Wait..does he know I'm the son of allmight and he's about to use me as bait to lure my father?
Did I actually messed up on thinking he was a good guy !?


I started to mutter. questions started to fill my brain.

" And were here"

"WHAT!?" gasp* I covered my mouth, accidentally shouting my mind out.

" I can assure you, that whatever idea you're thinking is wrong" Mr. Yokoyama said while parking the car

I scratched my head. Guilty on what negative idea I was thinking of towards Mr. Yokoyama.
He opened the car door, and both of us got off.

The moment I stepped out of the car, I was met with a vast clearing of land.
Sorrunded by thick layers of trees making a wall out of oaks and pines.

Two white gigantic domes and a tall building was infront of me. My height was that of an ant compared to the huge structures of cement.

The domes had multiple cables and disk like antennas on top of each.
The building was covered with glass tinted windows and a bunch of solar panels on top.

From the left side were multiple large wooden cabins. And a large greenhouse in the back.

What the, is this some kind of hidden camp?
I thought, just then a batch of jogging men in black tank tops and grey cargopants marched its way towards us

" First lieutenant Sakusa Sadao gives his greetings to the general sir!"


The man said, followed with multiple men from behind, giving their salute to Mr. Yokoyama.

General? What? , I looked at Mr. Yokoyama

" At ease soldiers"

" General?" I said out loud, questioning him onto what was going on. The soldier, Sakusa? was it.. noticed me from behind Mr. Yokoyama.

" Pardon my curiousness general sir, but who may this kid be?" He asked
" Ah right, Izuku come here" Mr. Yokuyama then pat my back leading me to his side.

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