Chapter 13: Welcome to camp (2)

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Izumi's Pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I fumbled under my blanket, and  covered my ears with my pillow. Attempting to clog the noise

I reached out for the alarm. As I lously sat up on my bed yawning. I looked at the time

7:05, 25mins till school, for the first time I woke up late.
I hurriedly went downstairs
Mom and dad was already gone, I rushed towards the kitchen expecting to see izuku finishing up his food , but there was no one.
The house was empty?

I walked towards the table, two plates of untouched food was still there
Has izuku not woken up yet? I thought
The sudden sinking feeling came back from last night.

He's probably sleeping in, recalling the villain attacked from yesterday,  I brushed it off and started to get ready for school.
I got to school panting, just in time.
And walked my way in.
Upon entering the room, i saw katsuki doing his typical nonsense with the other kids. The teacher late as ever and the empty sit of my brother

" Yow Izumi"

Katsuki called my name upon seeing me.
He pointed at my brothers sit, seemingly wondering where izuku was. I guess he also find it unusual. Between the three of us Izuku never skipped a day in school.

I walked over my sit behind katsuki.
And placed my bag from the sides

" Oi where's  the nerd"

I shake my head, telling him i didnt know
" Did he finally wuss out on being a hero? Typical damn nerd"

I sighed, this was katsuki alright,  deep down I know he was worried about izuku but his pride and ego just didn't let him express it

" He got attacked by a villain yesterday, thats probably why he's late"

Katsuki's face change from a confused to a shock expression. I mean who wouldn't be? what are the odds of being involved in a villain attacked and you're quirkless.

" And the damn nerd still wants to be a hero, pathetic extra " katsuki added

I didnt respond to katsuki for I also somewhat agree. Izuku keep getting hurt but still he wants to be a hero. How stubborn can he be.

Minutes later the teacher finally came. He took a glance on Izuku's desk , surely noticing he wasn't present. He didn't utter a word and went to proceed on his teaching.

[At camp]

Yokoyama's pov:

I walked away leaving the two behind.
I'm sure Dr. Hashimoto will tend izuku for a while.

Right now I got bigger problems.
I made my way to the meeting room.
Officials and staffs were already in waiting for me to arrive.

" Alright gentlemen,  lets get this shitshow on the road".

Izumi's pov:

My day remained uneventful, in the end izuku didn't show up
Katsuki kept glancing over the door , probably waiting for my brother to come in at any given second.

The teachers didn't bother to ask me about my brother, and turned a blind eye like always.  The school ended like always, we packed our bags and went home.

Katsuki and I walked together like usual
We chatted for a while and eventually talked about izuku, katsuki kept repeating how weak and stubborn my brother was and that's why the villain kicked his ass.
Although I know he was bothered for what he had said to izuku yesterday

" Why don't you apologize to him tomorrow?"

I said, katsuki paused , him apologizing wasn't really a great fit in a sentence.
He scoffs and eventually left me.
I guess his ego do take a hold of him.

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