Chapter 10: Swan dive off the roof

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??? Pov:

"Good evening Mr. Yokoyama, I'm sorry to bother you late this evening, please have a sit"

" Thankyou, so whats the issue this time?"

I leaned against the chair, waiting for the man infront  of me to speak. Its unusual for them to make a requestand see me. Normally they'd sent one of their goons or heroes to ask what request they want.

It must be a serious matter if they insist on reporting it to me first.

I stared at the man. Clearly uncomfortable with my presence. His clean slick back hair, and eye glasses to big for his face. His hands fidgeting, while the cuffs of his sleeves were slightly disheveled.

"Cough* excuse me, I have an urgent report to tell you Mr. Yokoyama"

He started, clearly picking up by the irritation im feeling, crossing me arms
I asked what was it about.

" yes, reports has been sent, that someone has been causing  havoc in the west, near the city of Kanazawa"

I arched my brow, hinting on why he reported something out of our territory.
He immediately picked up and started explaining

" I'm sure you're confused. Let me explain.
Locals had been reporting that someone or something has been killing people. At first , carcasses of small birds and animals were often found on their land and even on streets and houses.. Some has also been found in a disturbing placement. The animal's organs would be pulled out of its body, while sticks and twigs are stabbed in their flesh"

" eventually, after weeks of this strange phenomenon, dogs and stocks has been massacred as well, one of the local farmer reported some unusual events has been happening in his barn, and went out to check, and saw "it".

I frowned, unexpected by what he said.

" What do you mean, "it" was seen there?"

The man infront of me sighed and proceeded

" after the reports, some of the locals was reported missing, the police force from Kanazawa went to check and was eventually attacked and also went missing, they reached out to us to request back up from the heroes here. Sadly they also have gone missing"

" I see..." I sighed heavily

" Did you released this information to the media"

" No, we made sure this information wouldn't leak on public, even the hero organization, we kept it a secret"

The man said, fixing his thick lenses.

" Good, ill send some men to take care of it "

" Yes, Thankyou very much for your cooperation "

After finishing a few discussions, I excused my self, leaving the man
In his office, I picked up a cigarette in my pocket, attempting to smoke, but a huge no smoking sign was written in the walls of the building.

Eventually,  I went up to the rooftop, clearing my head and looking at the dark skies above. Though its night , I can clearly see the stars as it glitters above.

I finsihed my cigarette,  and was about to head back, when I saw a silhouette of a person in the corner of my eye.

The roof top was Illuminated by moonlight,so its isn't easy to see, so I slowly approached the figure that was seemingly standing at the edge of the building.

I placed my right hand on my back pocket, clutching the gun I always carry around for emergencies. As I walked closer , I noticed a small figure.

" A kid?"

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