chapter 17

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I remembered last night swinging an iron pipe.

'Isn't there a rumor that there's a gangster in the alleys who hits people with iron pipes?'

I gave a little click of my tongue and swung the iron pipe, 'Because it's better than a sword anyway.'

Even if I gave him a little bit of strength, he would die immediately. It seemed that he would not die if she controlled him well.

"Let me go! Let me go! What do you want! Do you want money? I'll give you any amount, so let me go!"

"You nobles. Damn! You think that anything can be solved with money. No, unfortunately this time, money won't be able to solve it. HAHA!"

A man who laughs softly and puts his hand on the woman's body. The woman, who began to tremble, could not even resist.

At the feet of such a man, a black aura wrapped in an iron tube was deposited that seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit.


The frightened man pushed the woman's hand away and took a step back.

When he was touching it confidently before, now he looked very scared and looked like a rat, and I spontaneously frowned.



It is true that the garbage is taken out by the first person who finds it. I thought about it carefully and walked forward.

"Who, who are you!"

The surprised man yelled at me. Ignoring the man, I approached the woman who was shocked by the ugly tube.

"Are you okay?"

A strangely altered voice filled the alley with the magic phrase.

The woman barely nodded, despite being embarrassed.

"You have dirt on your clothes."

To calm the woman down, I gently brushed the dirt off her dress. She was trying to ease the tension, but the woman was a little stiff.

'...I can't do this right.'

Ever since I was young, I was always going to catch demons, so my relationship with people was always awkward.

Left alone at the end, deep in the ground, the arched iron pipe was roughly pulled out.

"Who are you, what are you doing? Hello! Why, why are you doing this!"

The tone quickly turned into honorable words, his eyes swayed and his expression was grim. Strong people were clearly visible to the weak and weak to the strong, making me feel dirtier.

"I don't know, so I ask. I'm a dog in heat."

I moved slowly, while he whispered lightly. The man limps and shakes like a radish, but behind him was a dead end.

I walk away in vain.

"When you look at your clothes, no, aren't you a commoner too?"

exclaimed the man in trouble.

"If you're a commoner too, you know! Nobles! How do commoners treat us? They treat humans like dogs and pigs! Even if I didn't do anything! Phew, he said I was dirty while looking at me everywhere." !"

He pointed at the woman. The woman trembled a lot.

Certainly, this empire has always had its status system: the commoners always lived with nothing, and the nobles who were always rich. Commoners shouldn't even talk to nobles, and nobles treated commoners like slaves.

It was a dirty and unfair world.

I turned my head and looked at the woman. The woman, who had stiffened, shook her head frantically when her eyes met mine.

"Oh no! I said he was dirty, but it was because he was drunk and hit my shoulder while walking...!"

"Is it okay to call me dirty just because I hit her? Aren't you too much?"

The woman who closes her mouth like a clam. Her eyes trembled. She raised her head that was bowed and asked.

"If so, are you going to hurt me now?"

Although his eyes were full of fear, his speech was full of pride.

'He is afraid that I will change his position and hurt him, but he cannot give up his pride. She was a perfect noble.'

"Look at that! Of course! You don't even intend to apologize."

The man exclaimed, smelling of alcohol. When I looked at him, he made a big noise.

"All nobles are bloody dudes! Damn! They think we're dogs licking their paws! If you've lived like a commoner, you know!"

An angry speech close to madness. It was easy to guess that he had lived as a commoner. Crossing his arms and listening to him quietly then, he ended up saying things that he shouldn't say.

"Then, I deserve to hurt a noble! This I must do! That noble bitch who doesn't know that subject, of course, can get some hard stuff!"


A tube was stuck to the side of the man's face.

The angry man couldn't even scream and hesitated.

You're talking weird...I wanted to clean my ears when I heard nonsense."

Walk in front of him. The man's body was terribly spread out on the ground, trembling.

"Because, why!"

"I don't know and I don't want to know how much the nobles have beaten you, what kind of life you have lived."

On rare occasions, I took out an iron pipe firmly attached to the wall. I felt fear in the man's eyes. His body is hardened by the vibe it radiates, so he can't even lift his face.

Raise the man's chin with the iron pipe.

"But what I know is."

She was also used to the tyranny of the nobles. During the journey, there were times when a noble's request came and I had to return, and there were times when I met a noble who forced me to return saying that he admired me.

I don't like nobility. If you ask to choose between what I don't like and what I like, I will definitely choose "No". Unless not all nobles are bad, I've met humans like that. It's been a long time since I walked away from the nobles.


"It's just that no harm can be justified by other harm."

Nothing can justify an assault. The sin was just a sin.

"But the perpetrator should feel pain."

The black aura, which wrapped and writhed like a snake, entered the man's body with a fierce momentum.


The man who swallowed the aura without knowing anything yelled. He didn't want to hear the prickly scream, so he tied her mouth and his whole body. She couldn't be that sweet and she struggled with the meaninglessness. The best weapon of destruction when dealing with life is nature itself.

However, it was not poisonous when it entered the body under the control of a sword master.

'Single. It makes you feel like hell shaking all over your body.'

When the aura entered a body that was not hardened with enough training and effort, it caused the worst pain. It was an overpayment phenomenon. At first, he was just trying to hit a bit with a pipe, but it got nasty.

This was the punishment I gave the perpetrator.

I quickly turned my head. The woman who was watching her eyes widened.

"I'll finish it, so go."

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