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As soon as the blast went I went towards the area were everyone was .

There was commotion in and out of the banquet. People were trying to save there life , hidding under tables , behind trees etc.
Soon I saw dad running along with mom and jin , namjoon , taehyung providing mum protection.

Atleast they accepted mom and is providing her protection * I sighed * .

Looking around I saw members of astro and other members of BTS fighting those intruder.

I didn't want to show my fighter side to them yet so I decided what to do what was best for this situation .

#acting like sacred teen girl (typical🙄)

I made my way to restroom and called bang chan oppa to know what was happening outside the banquet.

" Hello oppa Is everything under control"

" Uhhh yes y/nnie wait * gun sounds * we killed half of the members and helping guest to exit the banquet safe and sound , don't worry. Are you ok tho . How's the situation inside"

" I am good as new oppa * chuckles* thanks to you and other gang members who are stopping them from coming inside"

" Y/n I would love to chat with you but I have to go or else next time you might be chatting with my dead body byeee".

I rolled my eyes at his dramatic statement and sat on bench provided in restroom and started playing games in my phone.

After 10 min. I decided to step out and show myself to others.

Walking outside I spotted dead bodys , broken decors, torn curtain, broken Chandelier and yes BTS and astro covered in blood.

Everyone was busy talking about who could send men to do this. Suga was busy hacking the cctv , maknaes were interrogating those who were alive and hyung line were having there so called I professional meeting.

I decided to make myself visible to them and asked .....
No no I kinda whispered *remember innocent act 😜*

" Wh-what happened here "

Everyone snapped there head towards me so fast that I thought they might have broken neck now .

" Yaah what are you doing here " jin asked with wide eyes and others had shocked expression on there faces . No one thought about the girl standing here , heck no one even remembered that she was in wedding too .

" What do you mean ?? We are attending wedding remember but what the hell happened here " y/n asked with blank expression on her face .

But they didn't reply her and asked again

" Shouldn't you be at home with mom and dad now ........ Wait don't tell me you are the reason of this massacre . Were you the one who called these people to destroy a happy day " jungkook gritted through teeth angry at Idea of y/ns involvement.

Scoffing at jungkook y/n replied.

" First you all call me slut , whore other things and now you are saying that I planned this . Fucking hell . Why will I do that idiots . You know wha-"

Before y/n could say something namjoon interrupted her saying she should go home and rest and will discuss about these things later in evening.

Scowling at him y/n agreed and turned around to walk off .

Back facing BTS and astro y/n was walking towards exit , seeing her going some of them were relieved that she didn't question any more , some were worried for her mental health afterall she was teenage girl who saw so many bodys covered with blood , some were suspicious about her .

among them was this one person who had stupid smirk in his face his eyes shimmering with amusement, Before turning to his usual blank face again.

When they saw y/n sitting in car and driving off they started there work again.


After reaching home Kim's mansion y/n ringed the bell . The door was opened by and old lady who was wearing maids dress.

" You must be young miss y/n please come in
Master was worried for you and nearly killed * cough * I mean was riled up . "

'Seriously just dad was worried about me what about mom oh well how can she worry about adoptive child she must be enjoying her luxurious life in this mansion. ' thinking this y/n just smiled and bowed introducing herself to headmaid .

Entering the mansion she spotted dad sitting on dinning table with drink in his hand looking stressed. And her mom was nowhere in sight.

" Ummm dad are you ok " I asked him making him look at me with relieved look before he ran towards me and hugged me surprising me .

I awkwardly patted his back and tried not to cry because this was the first time someone hugged me like there life depended on it . With full of love .

" I am ok little monkey it's just that I was worried about you I thought you might have got hurt."
I smiled at him showing my dimples and was feeling somewhat warm inside that someone cared for me .

" I am ok dad don't worry and stop drinking ita not good for health btw where is mom "

" Ohh she's sleeping she was tired after all those things so she went to bed "

Offcourse she is scoffing in my mind I turned to dad asked him about my room which he happily showed me
After giving me tour of whole mansion which took like 1 year I guess, just kidding 1 hour

Changing my clothes I fell on bed and soon dozed off.


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