hot brother

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Well - " namjoon said

" Well what " y/n questioned

" We had a sister " jin said in single breathe

" Had as in -" started saying but was cut off by one voice

" Had as in she is said " yoongi said in cold emotionless tone .

Hearing this y/n saddened a bit , she felt something heavy in her heart , the feeling she never felt before but hearing about this so called sister of BTS dampened her mood .

" She died along with our mom in an accident " jungkook continued  in sad tone .

" She was the sweetest little thing , always running around here and there and giggling " jin said with smile remembering his sister .

This caused y/n to smile a bit too , and at the same time curious how would have there sister looked.

" Everyone adored her , she was princess no not princess but queen of our hearts " jhope said to which all BTS members agreed to and nodded there heads.

"B-but how did they die " y/n asked .

" You remember our house in forest , where you went on the very first day you met us " taehyung asked

"Yes "

" Well that was our sister's play house kind of thing , we used to go there every weekend and spend time in nature .
Our mother loved nature , and our sister loved the play house in that forest house .

One day we were going to have a birthday party , our sister's 6th birthday . Both of them our mom and sister were in that forest house where as we all were here in mansion .

As soon as we got near to that house we saw flames surrounding it...

That made us all froze , as soon as we snapped out of it...

We tried to go in but flames were getting bigger and bigger

We were shouting like mad man trying to hear our mother and sisters voice but no all we heard was fire Crackling sound.

Everything was happening in slow motion. It was like our heart stopped to beat in that moment.

D-dad he , he went inside , we all protested but no he still went inside.

We all were left alone outside the area , feeling so much pain and guilt

Guilt for not being able to help our mother , sister and dad

And pain for loosing dad , mom and sister .

But soon Astros parents came and Rocky's father went inside too.

He came out with unconscious dad , clothes torn apart , hands limp as if he was dead .

That day , that day was the worst day of our life , and we are still not over it "

By the end of story jimin who narrated it was crying mess.

Not only him but all of the BTS members were crying remembering the literal nightmare of life .

Y/n felt sad hearing story , and it broke her heart seeing BTS crying like this.

Infact she was crying herself too.

Tho not from eyes but from heart

" I - I am sorry " y/n broke the silence .

" It's ok it's not your fault anyways " jin replied while wiping his tears away.

" So the reason why we were angry that day in amusement park was because , the hologram which was shown in that haunted park was the same which we recieved just a day before our sisters birthday " namjoon said .

Seeing y/n s confused face he sighed and continued

" Just the day before our sisters and mothers death we as in dad recived a vid , to be exact the same one  and the very next day our sister and mother died"

" So you mean some one was after your sister and mother and that person is the one who attacked us in amusement park" y/n spoke to which everyone nodded.


Few minutes of silence hung in air which was broken by none other than our y/n.

" I forgive you "

Listening this bts couldn't help but smile and feel guilt free.

" Umm ik you may not like it , but can I be your sister

Wait that sounded wrong . I'm nott trying to take place if your sister , its just can I be your another sister ...... You lost her and it's hard on you all , but maybe God gave you another chance to have sister.

I mean I'm fine if you don't want to be my brother it's upto you , juxiejnakkwmjsbba "

Her rambling was cut off by chuckling sounds which turned into full blown laughter .

Seeing BTS laugh , y/n let out a giggle herself and joined them too.

" I mean , if you want a handsome hot brother then why not " jimin said pointing towards himself.

At which everyone rolled their eyes.


?? Pov

" I want this all to end , their story to end.

A very




But for me , after all it will be more dramatic happy ending when it's for villian right "

Evil laugh*

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