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" She is my daughter , I love her , and I trust her this much that I know she wouldn't do anything like this then why , why are you lie women ? "
Mr Kim questioned.

Again no one said anything but then Mrs Kim started muttering something under her breathe leaving everyone confused.

While muttering she  looked liked mental patients and then she started laughing

After few seconds that laughter turned into crying and every one just stood there seeing her act.

" I knew , I knew something bad was surrounding us but never knew it was my own daughter " she said.

" Mom what do you mean " taehyung asked her .

" She when I adopted her all bad things started happening and suddenly I lost my husband . And now look because of her we all are fighting , she is bad omen , yes bad omen " she said while crying again.

" Women you better shut your mouth or I will kill you !!!! " Mr Kim shouted

" No dad why let her speak after al she is saying truth and we could see it is actually happening " jin said .

" She is breaking our family apart dad can't you see it , she is dividing us , our thoughts just just let her go far away from our life so that we could live happily " namjoon pleaded

Honey I'm sorry I'm so sorry about this. , I really was not enough to teach our sons . I promise you , I will protect her no matter what even if i have to go against my son's I will  Mr Kim thought as he shut his eye in desperation and frustration.

Turning to astro he said

" Boys I'm going to my another mansion with y/n , if you want you can come and if you think y/n is at fault you are most welcome to stay here "

With that being said he along with y/n exited the mansion.

Astro soon made a move to join them but we're stopped by Suga

" You believe that bitch too " he said

" Yes we do , we believe her more than this sit mother of your " eunwoo said

" Yaaaahhh eunwoo how dare you , cant you see she is telling truth and your y/n is the one who is lying " jungkook said as he grabbed eunwoos collar and punched him on jaw .

Just then jungkooks was held by namjoon who took  his angry brother away from crowd .

" You will see who is lying and who's not when investigation happens , don't assume your sister did that before investigation "
Rocky said .

" Don't call her our sister , she is not our sister but pathetic bitch " jhope spoke up

Thinking they were not going to change BTS mind set , astro Sighed tiredly and started making there way to exit .

As soon as they were about to step outside jin spoke
" Don't come to us crying when y/n does something to you too , maybe she will kill you or torture you ......
That time no one will be with you remember that , we will abandon you just like you did with us today"

And with that mansion door was closed and astro stood while gazing at it .

Meanwhile mr kim brought y/n to forest house to chat with her .

" Dad why did you bring me here and why did you believed me when they didn't " she asked while walking inside the house , holding mr Kims hand.

Memories ( stepbrother ff, BTS ff)Where stories live. Discover now