Miss in black hat

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In a dark room , a person more specifically a man was sitting on chair , behind huge desk , with wine in one hand while other hand scanning through information his henchman provided.

" I told you to find every fucking thing about her and what are you giving me , just one piece of paper and name, age and nothing else huh ? " With that the person stood up ,threw glass of wine on the floor , shattering it .

" I - Im sorry boss i- we spent more than day to find about her but everything is hidden " henchman said kneeling in front of his boss.

Smirking boss sat back on the chair and started humming a tune .

" This girl what was her name , ahhh y/n she is driving me insane , she's so interesting , hot , tempting but .... She is step sister of BTS . "

Laughing he continued " an innocent little girl in house full of devil's , it would be so fun to break her , * eyeing his hench man he asked * what do you think , who will she trust, me or her monster brothers "

" I - I think no no I am sure  you sir , you are definitely gonna win her over as you planned with that miss in black hat and take her away from them "

The person smilled and patted henchmans back and said " you can go now , and inform everyone we are going to start our plan in coming days , let's get over with this " .

On the other side y/n was sitting in her room hacking into system of amusement park to find any clue of that incident happened in that haunted house .

It's been a day since that incident happened , spending time with eunwoo was magical to her and with him , she was fully relaxed.
" Let's go now , i know you are angry , but we are soaking right now due to this heavy rain " eunwoo said when he was finally able to catch her.

"Ohhhh and who's fault is it , you started running after me i was nervous and alll so I went out of cave " y/n said while pouting .

" Do I make you nervous y/n "

" Ye- what out of all that you just heard one word yaahhhhh eunwoo " she started hitting him .

Laughing eunwoo grabbed her hands and said.           " enough of this now let's go I'm tired 🤣 "

Soon they reached BTS mansion , both got out and y/n was about to enter the mansion but eunwoos voice stopped her .

" Now are we in relationship " he asked

Turning she face him
" You never asked me properly yk " she said while crossing her arms .

Laughing eunwoo bent down on his knees and asked her " will be my girlfriend y/n "

" No "

" What but "

" I said no , Not because I don't like you but I want to take things slow pls ,let's just discover ourselves together before going into relationship "
Y/n said walking towards him and making him stand up

" As you say , but I can't wait for you to be mine "

Laughing y/n hugged him and bid him bye .


Thinking about last night y/n was blushing mess , this was new to her , she was both nervous and excited to see how it will turn. But mostly she was scared


Trying to ignore any negative thoughts , she went back to investigate , as soon as she was about to type next code she heard a voice

A voice she knew to well
She felt something
Yes the voice was her stomach growling
What she want is food
What she felt was hunger

Anyways guys how was Today's chapter hope you loved it .

Do like and comment and share please 😚😚😚

Also if you want to keep in touch with me I could share my insta I'd with y'all, do tell me ......


Purple you

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