cigarette 🚬

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." Why " y/n broke silence between them

" Why what " the person asked.


"Why are you doing this



Cha eunwoo " y/n said .

" I'm doing nothing y/ n I'm Just sitting with you"

" Don't try to play smart answer my question why are you caring for me when no one does , why you make me happy , why you understand me so well , why you - w-why you l-look at me like that " y/n asked breathing heavily.

Till now eunwoo was just listening to her with his gazed fixed on ground .

As soon as y/n finished eunwoo looked up, gazing directly into y/ns eyes.


"I look at you like what y/n "

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"I look at you like what y/n "

Gulping she dropped her eye to ground
"Like you are seeing me right now".

" And how am I seeing you hmmmm tell me "eunwoo said and leaned towards her who tried to move back .

" L-like y-you are in love With me "

" What if I do "

"W-what "

" I said I'm in love with you y/n " he whispered into her year sending shivers down her spine
Pushing him slightly back she asked.

" But why , why me you could get far more better than me tune why " y/n asked almost as if pleading him to not fall in love for someone like her
Sighing eunwoo held her cheeks in both of his hands making y/n to look at him with wide eyes .

" Listen here ok , I only want you . You make me feel happy which I haven't felt from so many years . I don't want to sound cliche but I want to love you till I'm breathing , and I will do so whether you want or not . "

" B-but I'm broken"

" I'll fix you , we will go through everything together ok "

Getting emotional y/n tsked and pulled away from him and stood up .

She walked towards the entrance of cave and took a cigarette out of her bra . Her hands roamed around all her pockets to check for lighter but couldn't find it .

Sighing in annoyance she just leaned against the cave with cigarette in her lips thinking about what eunwoo said to her .

Looking up she saw eunwoo coming towards her .

" I'm bad " she said to eunwoo cigarette still in her mouth

" No, for me you are perfect ".

" I'm clingy "

" then I'll bring you everywhere I go " he
replied in one go

" I like to buy lots of clothes " she said , her lips still curved because of his previous reply

" Then I'll buy you that store , who's clothes you like "

" I fight alot "

" I'll come and cheer for you in every fight " he said still looking at her ,




" I kill people " y/n said waiting for his reply




Smirking eunwoo took out lighter from his pocket and lighted up y/ns cigarette .

" I'll help you clean the after math of your kill " he replied making y/ns heart flutter ..

" I'll help you clean the after math of your kill " he replied making y/ns heart flutter

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