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We get to the bonfire and their is a lot of people there it reeks of alcohol which I don't mind I start walking off from the boys before Conrad pulls my arm to him "please don't get wasted" he says completely serious "why should I listen to you I can do what I want I'm 18" I say while pulling my arm away from him and going to go get a cup of Hennessy

I've had like 3 or 4 cups of Hennessy I really don't know but I'm with this boy Michael and we've just been talking and making out every once and a while I can't lie he is a great kisser but in the back of my head I just wish it was Conrad.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Little did Alex know Conrad was with Nicole thinking the same way, he would even sneak some glances and Alex when Nicole wasn't looking and he couldn't help get angry at the fact that she having a good time with another guy that's not him.

As me and Micheal are kissing I hear to people arguing and see that it's Steven and belly.

"Oh no" I say while getting up "what's wrong" Michael ask me "family issue I say it's not serious you don't have to come if you don't want to" I say while walking " ok
Ill be waiting for you" he says, I smile and nod I reach belly and Steven and there still arguing

"HEY" I say yelling getting there attention "what's the problem" I say confused of the whole situation "well first off belly shouldn't be here she's 15 and talking to older guys plus should be at home with the moms watching a movie" he says angry he start pulling her "your embarrassing me let's go" he says while pulling her. "Steven let her go your gonna make her fall and as soon as I say that she falls on the sand in-front of Conrad and this girl he was making out with.

It made me angry and since I was already drunk I decided to say something "I though you hated the Red Sox" I say helping belly up of the floor. "Who are you" the girl ask "who Are you" I said with attitude "I'm Nicole Conrad and I went to the deb ball last summer" she said " it was after you guys left to take Steven to look at colleges" he chimes in which makes me even more annoyed "I thought you said that deb balls are bullshit and all debs are sheep" I said exposing him to Nicole "your such a brat" he says annoyed "well your an asshole"

I say back to him belly decides to pull me away before I can say anything embarrassing and regret when I get sober. Jere runs over to us "you came great we can all hang out" he says but before he can say anything else Steven comes "I'm about to take her home" he says pulling her again. "What no your not ok you need to chill go talk to shayla ok leave belly I've got her" I say holding on to belly "fine but just stay with Alex right here don't talk to anybody "he says leaving with shayla . "FUCK YOU" belly screams at Steven. "woah at a girl" I say to belly laughing. "Jeremiah" Andrew and a girl Calls signaling him to come. "I'll be right back" he say to us

"ugh Steven and Conrad are so annoying but forget them are you ok belly" I ask concerned "yea I'm good do you think everyone saw that" she says embarrassed "yea I'm not gonna lie to you belly but it's fine because you are gonna forget about them and have fun" I say smiling

"Flavia" a guy says approaching me and belly "it's me sextus" he says trying to refresh her memory. "What you say to her" I said confused
"No no no no sex-tus from seventh grade Latin convention" he said trying to reassure me that he didn't mean anything bad. "I'm sorry but belly do you know him" I say looking at her " yea he dressed up for the costume contest" she say reassuring me she know him. "Well in that case I will be over there near the cooler if you need me belly" I say to her "ok later" she says. I return back to Michael and we continue talking and getting back to where we left of.

Again I start to hear commotion near me and it's Conrad and the guy that tried to talk to belly "hold on I'll be back" I said to Michael and get up to go see what wrong with Conrad. "Guys guys" I yell trying to get Conrad to stop but as I get closer the guy that Conrad was fighting elbowed me to the face which cause me to fall on the sand "Alex" Conrad yelled trying to get to me but before he can do that the guy tackles him to the floor and they start to fight but Andrew ends up coming and helping me off the floor and and jere went to help Conrad I hear sirens and someone yells "COPS" and before I know it Andrew is right next to me pulling my arm running to get to the car.

"Seriously get in the car watch you head" jere says helping me and Conrad into the backseat and Andrew jumping in to. "I know how to get in a car" I mumble " belly get in" jere says getting ready to start the car "cam can take me home right" she says to cam. "Yes that's no problem" he says to jere. "No your not gonna get in a car with a stranger" he says with a duh tone. "I'm cam-Cameron" cam says "your names cam Cameron" jere says trying to be funny no just "cam" he says back. To make things less awkward I chime in "I agree with jere belly just get in the car so we can leave my head is killing me" I say to belly and after that I zone out but before anything I see belly and cam kiss and cam leaves.

Then jere remembers that we're missing Steven "fuck Steven" jere says unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out the car. "Yoo Andrew come with me to help find him and belly stay here and watch Alex and Conrad" he says while both of them are leaving.

Conrad turns to me and starts staring at me and I stare back "I like your hair in this hairstyle' he says to me admiring my face (ok so I know Conrad says to belly her hair is always messy like a little kid but you can not say a black girls natural hair is messy that's just a No no so I switched it up, and you just can't go and touch a black girls hair so I just made some minor changes) "Alex" he says but before he can say anything we are interrupted with a cop knocking on the window "have you kids been drinking" the officer says and all I could say was "oh shit".

"Officers thank you it won't happen again I can promise you that much" my mom said "tell mr fisher the chief wants to set up a tea time when he gets back in town" one of the officer says "Absolutely sorry again for all the trouble" she says while closing the door behind them.

"So do you guys want to tell me how you manage to get caught by the police" my mom says waiting for an answer "mom I swear I dont even know we were in the car and all of a sudden the cops was there" I say laughing. My mom laughs at my drunk state" "sweetie I need you to be quiet before the other moms wake up and all of you actually get in trouble.

"Wait so we're not in trouble" jere and Steven say "nah I think this experience teaches you a lesson and I know jere was the designated driver so I'm not really complaining" she says brushing it off . My mom have always been really cool about me and Andrew going out to party's she just told us to make sure that we're being responsible Looking after each other and take a cab home.

"Omg I love you Naomi" Steven say "yea yea but belly I'm really disappointed that you didn't tell anyone that you were going to the bonfire, going out side when it's dark is unsafe I would have told Alex or one of the boys to come get you" she says "I'm sorry Naomi it won't happen again" belly says "ok well everyone go to bed have sweet dreams my little munchkins" my mom said smiling and pinching my brothers cheeks. "Mom quit it" Andrew said laughing. I stumble while trying to head upstairs but almost fall but connie helps me before I can giving me butterflies. "Thank you" I said to him while going into my room he takes of my shoes and lay me on the bed "night connie" right after I'm asleep but before Conrad leaves he kisses my head and says goodnight.

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