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It didn't happen the moment I pictured in my head multiple time didn't happen and he finally breaks that silence unable to meet my eyes "ummm maybe we should head back to the house it's ugh getting late" he starts leaving the water and me to go pack up our stuff "oh yea it is getting pretty late we should leave" I follow.

The ride back to the house was awful I wanted nothing more than to thrown my self out the car, the silence was killing me I had to say something "so are we gonna talk about what happened at the beach" he looks at me confused almost baffled "wdym nothing happened at the beach" " WHATTT wdym nothing happened we almost kissed that's what happened" i snapped "yea almost we didn't" it was like this wasn't effecting him at all "we shouldn't haven't gone that far anyways"

At this point I was getting annoyed I just wanted to lay in my bed and cry "you know what Conrad your so right let's just forget about this whole thing" I sigh  "just leave me alone for the rest of the summer" and with that we pull up to the house. I rushed out the car to the house tears threatening to fall out "oh you guys are back" my mom scares me from the living room "how was the beach" Susannah adds Turing around to look at me "ugh  it was good" and if the moment couldn't get worse he finally walks in looking at me as if he wanted to say something I felt the tension and it was thick I know the moms could feel it to, but he just heads upstairs. "Is everything ok with you two" laurel ask concerned.

I didn't know if I wanted to tell them it was stupid I just needed to go take a shower and vent to my bestie " I don't really wanna talk about it and I'm tired so I'm gonna just head to bed" not waisting any second I go upstairs "Ok well goodnight honey" my mom yelled

Skip night routine
I get in my bed and FaceTimed Tasha but she didn't answer so I just went to bed

I had woke up around 9:30am and today was belly's birthday I had got the most perfect gifts for her I had got them before we came to cousin, But I needed to start getting ready soon to meet everyone downstairs I got in the shower did my little makeup routine and picked out my clothes I decided to wear a black sun dress that hugged my curves perfectly with some silver sandals and bag to match. For my hair I just decided to do a slick back.

Heading downstairs everyone was there except belly "good morning peeps" I say announcing my presence "morning" everyone but Conrad replied I swear he can be so petty.

Belly then comes down stairs after a few minutes "morning everyone" she say's excited "ahhh belly happy 16 birthday your getting to big " I say hugging her and fake crying. She starts laughing "you literally seen me yesterday and I looked the same" "no you had to grown" I say playfully. Everyone goes to hug belly and tell her happy birthday. Laurel then tells belly her annual Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready "actually I'm not hungry" she replies "shall we open gifts then" Susannah suggests

The door bell then rings suddenly a little confused I ask " belly are you expecting someone" "ugh no I have no ideas who that is" she says confused to. I head to the door and open it and  couldn't believe who it was "AHHHHH OMG TASHA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" "HEY BITCHHHH YOU KNOW I HAD TO COME SEE YOU" she says hugging me " so thats why you didn't answer my call last night" putting the pieces together "yea you know I can't lie to you so I just decided not to answer your call" "well I have a lot of tea to tell you" I say whispering "wait already what is it" she says eagerly "I have to tell you after belly opens her gifts sorry you would have know if you answered my call last night" "wow so that's how it is" she holds her heart hurt "girl let's just go get you settled in my room" I laugh

Skip to everyone in the living room
"Hey everyone" Tasha says walking into the living room with me "Tasha" they all yell, my mom is the first to come up to her "hey baby how are you" she says so motherly " I'm good just came to visit my bae" she says kissing my cheek " stop your making me blush" I reply jokingly "alright girls go sit down" my mom laughs "hey jere bear" Tasha say flirty "hey Tasha" he says hugging her "ok you two let's not" I say rolling my eye's playfully.

We start giving belly her gifts she opens laurels first it's a first edition collected poems book with Susannah favorite poem marked, then Susannah gives belly pearls that her mom gave her. Then it's jere turn and he gives her a good luck charm and Steven gives belly a Princeton sweater. Now for my brother I knew he had a crush on belly so I helped him get something good for belly, he then gives her a necklace with a star on it because when they were younger they loved to watch the stars together. My brother was such a romantic that what I loved about him when he liked someone he liked them hard. " aww thanks drew I love it" she smiles and blush.

Susannah looks at Conrad "Well ugh Conrad do you wanna give belly your present" there was an awkward pause " sorry I forgot" he said looking down "of course he forgot" I suck my teeth a little loud and everyone looks at me wondering what happened between us  "ugh that cool I wasn't really expecting anything anyway" she said smiling awkwardly "also I gotta go I promised Cleveland that's I trim some knots today" he said getting up and leaving

Well this was a great start for the day
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