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I woke up with a massive headache this morning. I felt like my head was gonna explode any second, but I realized I had on my clothes from yesterday so I went to go take a shower and put on my clothes for the day, since I was hungover this morning I just put on a white crop top with grey sweats and my white crocs and decided to head downstairs to get to the kitchen to cure this headache.
"Good morning everyone" I said while groaning "good morning" everyone chimed back. I decided to go sit on the couch with Conrad "hey move over my head is killing me" I said to him. "Ugh fine but I'm laying my head on you" he said in return "fine I just need to sit down on something Comfy" I said.

After I hear mine and Conrad's name being said "well Conrad and Alex dose not have hope, actually there hopeless, but my hangover smoothie - it cures all" jere said. "can you please just hurry up" Conrad said while holding his head. "Just go back to bed all right" he said to Conrad. I listened and started to fall back asleep until I hear the blender and jumped up as well as Conrad. "Omg I feel like I'm going to die" I say while playing with Conrad's hair which he always like when I did.

Jere came over with the smoothies "here" he said to us "ughhh thank you so much jere" I said starting to drink it. "Come on man I can't be late for my first day of work" Steven says worried. "We won't. We're good. Come on man" jere says getting ready to go. "Those old country club boomers are gonna tip me so hard, man they won't know what hit em" he's says while grabbing his crotch. "Ewww Steven your so gross". "Come on Alex's my boys gotta get that bread" he said laughing.

" alex where have you been....Is that a bruise" laurel says while walking into the living room and moving my hair back. "Um I bumped into someone" I say "you bumped into someone?"she said repeating what I said. " Doesn't look that bad" Conrad said while looking at my face from on my lap. I just push him playfully because he knows he is the reason I have a bruise in the first place.

"OH, MY GOD" Susannah yells Alex and belly are going to be debutantes. "It's really not that big of a deal" belly says while Susannah is hugging her. "Like Alex my sister? Like that thing right there" Andrew said while pointing at me. "Shut up drew" I say to him. "Okay this is gonna be so much fun just you wait....There is uh there's the tea the auction the ball of course, the rehearsal I got to write this down, we need to go shopping" Susannah said all excited

"This sounds ... expensive" laurel said while scratching her neck nervously. "I completely agree" said my mom. "Oh dont worry laurel Naomi it's on me, it was my idea after all and we still need to style you for your book party so.." Susannah said talking to laurel. "belly Alex are you sure you want to do this it doesn't seem very you ?" Laurel asked "it's not" Conrad chimed In "Conrad could you please be a little more supportive" Susannah said. Now which one of you is gonna be belly's and Alex escort to the ball" Susannah asked looking at her boys. "not me I went last year". Conrad said "yea and I swore of balls" Jere also said. "Wow guys stop fighting over us" I said sarcastically "actually we are not going with any of you we're gonna find our own dates right bels" I said looking at belly "yup" she said back looking down I see Conrad staring at me and I just look away fast once our eyes met. " Wikipedia says debutante balls require instruction morals and social etiquette" laurel says reading off the computer. "I'm going for a swim" Conrad says while getting up from my lap and walking to the pool. No offense beck but I don't think a county club is the best place to teach these girls about morals" my mom says. "We'll hurry up everyone we have shopping to do". Susannah says smiling
"Well I'm ready to go" I said from the couch.
Both me and belly have gotten our gowns for the ball and our dresses for the tea party and my mom and laurel was dropping us off. After we finished getting ready.

"Thanks mom" both me and belly say we where walking away until our moms called us "we just want you to know that if you decide that you hate it or if the girls are mean or even if the food is bad you can text us we promise we won't say I told you so" they said "we'll be fine I promise if anything I got belly's back and she's got mine we're not alone" I say trying to cool down the moms from having a panic attack. "Ok great use our code phrase and we'll be right there Remember it when you both were little right" they say looking at us. "Lemon jelly belly" we both say groaning " have fun you two" they said driving off.

"Hey" me and belly both say Trying to both get jere's attention but he ignored us so we say it again. "Omg belly Alex I did even recognize you there" he said shocked "tell the truth do we look like a fool" I ask him "Um no you guys look good" he says mostly looking at belly.

"Let's me walk you over" he said going to go sit down the towels he had in his hand "are this pineapples" he says talking about our dresses. "No dummy there flowers have you not seen flowers before" I say laughing we finally reach the room and walk in and everyone turns the head towards us " Jeremiah" Paige said "where's your shirt" she said giving him a stern look "it's always a pleasure" he says changing the subject. this is belly and Alex  I mean Isabel Conklin and Alexandra dawn the young women my mom told you about my future wives" jere says with a wink me and belly both slap his arm

"There late" Paige says "we are so sorry" belly says "your at table 2" Paige tells us "are those little Brie and fig jam sandwiches with the prosciutto"  he says wanting to go grab one  "don't you dare Paige says walking away" of course not listening jere goes and grabs one. "Those are for the girls Jeremiah those are for the girls" she says as he is running to leave. "Knock 'em dead"  he says before he leaves. Me and belly decide to look to find table 2. "Omg that's the girl that Conrad was kissing at the bonfire I say to belly. "And that the girl Steven was with" belly says to me. Ugh "FML" belly  says as we head over.

" hi" I say first and they all repeat it back. We both sit down "is that from the other night let me fix it" Nicole said taking out some concealer and covering up my bruise "thank you" I say smiling dang this it's pretty hard to
Hate her when she's so nice.
Still sitting while my mom does my portrait she starts to speak "So how have you and Alex been doing I seen you two on the couch this morning" she said confused "mom can we not do this like no you ask me to come sit for this portrait and I'm here and I'm sitting and I'm more that happy to be here but can we not make this like a bonding experience please" he says "well excuse me for trying to connect with my son Before he leaves for a year".

"Alex looked nice in her new dress" she says but  he just ignores her  "if you want to spend your summer mopping around I can't stop you but no more sleeping till 2 no more day drinking I want you doing something productive your getting a job" Susannah says "sure" he says nodding in agreement " great" she says. Of course Conrad wanted his mom to know that he liked Alex and didn't know how to tell her with everything going on. But it was easier said than done.

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