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Alex pov

"Hey give me a sec I'll be right back" belly said leaving me with the debutante girls "so Any boys you guys interested in this summer"I said trying to make Convo

"well Shayla is pretty into the waiter" Gigi said while laughing"yea like your into Jeremiah"Shayla replied back."what about you" one of the girls said looking at me,

"ummm there was this one guy I met at the bonfire but I don't think it was anything to serious" after a few the girls go back to little chatters and belly comes back smiling .

"how could you leave me like this" I whisper "well I have great news you know the boy at the bonfire that I was talking to"she says excitly " yea what about him"

"That why I left I seen him and we started talking and he asked me on a date to the drive through tonight'' belly says smiling "WHATTTTT belly that amazing we have to get home and get you ready, omg this is so exciting your first real date we have to tell the mom's" I say ready to go and get back home

Back at the house

"We're home" I yell "hi ladies how was the tea party tell us all about it" my mom says while walking with laurel and Susannah "it was amazing and belly has a date at the drive in" I say "what belly has a date" "yup and we need to get her ready" I say while pulling belly upstairs to find her an outfit.

"Oooo what do you think about this is is really cute it's shows that your trying but not too hard" "I like it it's really cute"belly says while look in the mirror "ok all we have to do it touch up a little of your makeup and your all good and we can go show the mom's the final product" "sounds good to me" belly says smiling

"Ok all ... done" finalizing her makeup"you look absolutely beautiful belly we have to show the mom's" I say proud of my work "wow I look really good" she says while smiling at finished product.

Me and belly walk to the mom's in Susannah room "omg belly you look beautiful"my mom says "yes you look beautiful belly"laurel nods while Susannah walks up to belly to inspect her whole outfit and plays with her hair. Before they start interrogating belly I start to walk towards her "well that's enough belly has to go cam should be here any second" "well belly have fun"my mom says and the mom's hum in agreement

Me and belly and belly walk in the living room to see the boys playing video games
"See you guys later"belly said getting the boys attention Jere turns around and gets up from the couch "damn" "bro what the hell great abandon the game" drew says annoyed.

Jere ignores drew "you look hot" he says to belly as he twirls her I chim in "yup i know she looks amazing right" I said while looking at belly proud. "Alright alright stop flirting with my sister "shut up Steven" "no you" belly said back

Steven turns around once more "you look good though " so you're driving with or meeting us there?"Jere asked belly " I'm actually not going to the book party I'm going to the drive in" "with who" Jere says "doesn't matter she has to leave gooo" I say shooing her "ok later" belly laughs leaving out the door

"Ok well I'm gonna go get ready really quick and we can leave guys" I say walking up the stairs, I make it up to room and before I can close my door Conrad stops it "umm what up" i say to him he walks past me and goes to sit in my bed "oh nothing can I not hang out with you and keep you company" "oh well ok" I say a little confused "I know that I didn't get apologize yet so I'm sorry for what happened at the bonfire" surprised that he apologized I walk towards the bed and sit down "it's ok Conrad we both were pretty drunk and it's fine" I move a little closer to hug him and after a few seconds he hugs me back.

To say that hug didn't give me butterflies would be a lie looking at him just gives me butterflies. We break the hug and look at just look at each other "ugh I should get ready" I say breaking the silence "oh yea let me let you get ready see you downstairs" he says leaving the room. I try to forget about what just happened at start getting ready.


Hey guys don't be mad at me I know it's been a while almost a year but I'm gonna try to finish the book key work try 😂 but seriously let me know if you guys have any suggestions


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