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Alex finish telling Tasha what happened
"Wait are you serious that didn't happen you have to be lying" Tasha said not believing that really happened "yes I'm so serious like how could he just act like that shit didn't happen I really thought we had a great time at the beach"

Text message between Alex and belly

Alex me and jere are coming back
From picking up Taylor from
The bus stop

Wait you guys left and Taylor is here today to
We're gonna have so much fun

We are and Jere suggested we
Go in the pool a you and Tasha
Should go in with us
Ok we will

"Belly just told me that there getting in the pool when they come we should too oh and Taylor is here to" I said walking ti my closet to pick out a bathing suit I put out a red bikini that made me look so good and Tasha was wearing a blue one. I swear we're two pretty best friends

"Damn bitch you look good" Tasha comes to me twirling me around "omg stop" I replied laughing "no seriously Conrad is going to lose his shit if he sees you. "I don't care about Conrad right now he really hurt my feelings but him seeing me and realizing what he missed is going to feel good, but I think there here let's go down stairs"

Everyone in the pool
"Hey Taylor I'm so glad that you and Tasha are here it's going to be so fun" belly stated "yea it's gonna be fun for sure but we need to party" Tasha started dancing "we know your gossiping over there" Taylor yelled to the boys.

"Yea you wish" Steven replied. Taylor gasped "let's play chicken" "oh I'm so down" Tasha said "imma sit out this one y'all" walking to sit in the edge of the pool so the games even "I call dibs on Jere bear" Tasha smiles pulling him toward her "ok then I'll be with drew" belly nervously.

"Wow so I'm left with Steven great" Taylor huffed then the girls got on there necks laughing "ok I'm gonna count down 3 2 1 goooo" I yell. Taylor and Steven fall first then goes belly and drew " and we have our winners Tasha and Jere" I say in a announcers voice and they start cheering

"Hey guys" I look to my right and see Taylor but not just Taylor Conrad why would he bring freaking Taylor. Me and Tasha give each the look know exactly what I'm thinking "happy birthday belly are you guys playing chicken" she says so bubbly "ugh yea it was Taylor's ideas she my best friend" belly points to Taylor "hi I'm Taylor just visiting for the weekend" she introduces "oh that's cute and who are you" she looks at Tasha "I'm Tasha Alex best friend/sister" she says giving her a fake smile. I swear Tasha don't play when it come to me

Me and Tasha are sitting my the Poole edge so is Conrad and Nicole while the others are playing volleyball in the water. "So how do you do you feel with Conrad being here with her" Tasha asks "ugh I'm jealous and upset how can he just pretend and be with someone else it hurts".

"Yea it's weird you need to forget about him and find you a little stink for the summer" she nudges me and smile trying to lighten up my mood then out of no where I see the ball fly and hit Nicole in the head
Tasha and I couldn't help but laugh "alex" belly says sternly at me "what it was kinda funny" I say a little annoyed it was a blow up ball she'll be fine " are you ok belly" asks her "yea I'm fine you guys keep playing" she reassured

"It's ok belly Conrad's got her let's go pretend stuff didn't happen" Tasha scoffs "yea why don't you do that" he replies going insides. I just couldn't believe him all he had to do was talk to me but as Conrad does he keeps everything boiling inside.

Skip to belly's birthday dinner
For belly birthday dinner me and Tash decided to match with these cute sundresses (pictures is attached up)  we're all sitting at the dinning table eating and can was here which I recently found out that him and belly were getting serious

Everyone started talking about cam being vegan "you know belly eats meat so you let her kiss you with those lips" my brother says trying to be funny "actually I don't mind in facts" and then he kisses belly in front of everyone I was so shocked ok cam but also my brother he looked so sad damn "hey I'm thinking we should go to Nicole's party" belly smiles "omg finally a party were going" Tash says pulling me to go freshen up in the room"

At Taylor party
We all arrive to Taylor house and from the outside it looked fun when we arrive inside I immediately pull tash and i to the drinks "ok bitch we gotta get fucked up" I try to say over the music "of Course it's not up for debate" she passes me two shots and I take them we then continue taking more shots to the point where I'm getting dizzy

I start to turn around feeling a presence walk u to me and I see this tall fine ass boy with dark hair and the brownest eyes approaching us "hey I'm mason I seen you across them room and wanted to ask you if you wanted to dance" He says to me "hey I'm Alex and ugh sure we can dance" this could be the distraction I need I dragging him to the dance floor but not before giving Tasha a wink and mouthing be safe

Before getting on the dance floor I see Conrad staring at me and think this is the perfect time to get him Jealous. The dj starts playing gas's pedal and when this song comes on I have to dance like this is my song

I slowly start grinding on him bending over and swaying my hips with his hand on my waist then the beat starts getting faster so I start whining on him "fuck your so hot" he groans I felt him growing on me I couldn't help but laugh I turn around facing him "here put your number in my phone" he finishes and hands it back to me

I then feel someone grab me and I look up it's Conrad he has a Stern grip on me " hey man what are you doing you can see that we're having a moment here" mason angrily says " your dancing ugh my girl" Conrad replies back "your girl" I look at him confused he ignores me and  keeps pulling me bringing  me into the bathroom closing the door behind us " what the fuck are you doing" I could see the steam coming out of his head "what do you mean I'm having fun dancing" batting my lashes at him trynna play innocent

"Don't play with Alex you know what your doing why we're you dancing with that guy like that" he growled " damn your hot when your mad" I pulled him closer to me by his pants and started to caress his chest very slowly but he backs up. " I'm serious Alexandra no one should be touching you like that" he said sternly trying to seem unaffected by the way I was touching him

"you know Connie jealousy doesn't look to good on you" I laugh. suddenly his hands wrap around around my waist pulling me towards him now goosebumps start swarming every part of my body, he looks me in my eyes deeply with lust slowly closing the space between us I started getting that feeling down there the throbbing feeling.

He moves his lips close to my ear "You know Alex seeing you flustered is a good look". I couldn't believe it he played a uno reverse card on my I playfully hit his chest "you asswhole wtf" I got left feeling so unsatisfied I guess we're playing that game

"You wanna play beer pong" he asks "yea sure let's play" I reply. Me and Conrad ended up being on the same team while Jere and cam where on the other So far me and Conrad make a good team but Jere was talking all the shots for him and cam since he doesn't drink after a few rounds belly comes out

"Oh bells you here happy birthday" I say excited "hey" She replies sounding down "can we leave like now" she urgently pulls cam with her "well it's 2 v 1 and your going down" Jere stands up straight and shoots the ball in the cup "okay I see you jere" tonight has been really fun and every few moments I feel conrad hands on my waist trailing them up and down giving me butterflies. For the rest of the night everyone just vibed before the party got boring

Author note
Heyyyyy yall I'm actually so proud of Myself imma try to finish this book by the end of the month make sure y'all vote and have a great day

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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