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Alexander's POV

It's been 2 weeks since Eifeel took me to see her mom and since I told her about me being in the Mafia.

We've been a lot closer since then. She shows how much she cares and asks about my day.

I never tell her the terrible things I do even though she assures me that she won't be affected by any of it.

Shit she once told me she would love to see me torture someone. My Rose can be very weird sometimes.

Today's her birthday and I would love to take her on a romantic date but I've been really busy with work.

I texted her a happy birthday this morning and told her I wouldn't be able to see her, she told me it was fine but I still feel really good for not being with her.

It's around 9pm and I just finished most of the stuff I have to do. I picked up my phone to see my best friend calling.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and picked up the call to hear her yelling "I'm back in Manhattan."

I rolled my eyes at her behavior. " Hello to you too Bree" I said as I walked down the halls of the warehouse.

"Xander let's go clubbing." She whined into the phone.

"Bree I can't. Todays Eifeel's birthday and I want to spend it with her."

"Oh how about you invite her to plus I also get to meet the girl who's got you whipped."

"Fine. I'll call her and ask if she wants to come." She squealed in excitement making me chuckle. "Thank you Xandy."

"You know you act really childish for the Donna of the Spanish Mafia." I said as I walked up to my car.

"Whatever." She said and hung up the phone. I shook my head, got into the car and called Eifeel.

She picked up the phone at the 3rd ring. "Hi" she said sounding a bit off.

"Hey baby, are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm good, just sad that I ran out of ice cream." I could tell she was lying but I decided not to push it.

"Ok. Tesoro do you want to go clubbing with me?" I asked starting my car and pulling out of the warehouse.

"Of course I wanna go with you." I smiled at her reply and continued to drive to her house.

"Alright let me go get dressed then, see you in a few."

"Bye amore."

"Bye" She said and hung up the phone.

Eifeel's POV

I got up from my bed and walked to Blaze's bedroom. I knocked on the door and opened when I heard a faint come in.

I opened the door to see Blaze holding a crying Stassi. I ran up to them as Stassi attacked me with a hug.

"Their gone....... their finally gone." She mumbled incoherently.

"Stassi talk to me, what's wrong." I asked, worry clear in my voice. I looked over at Blaze who was looking down at the floor.

"Blaze what happened?" I asked noticing how uncomfortable he looked.

The sight of the two of them like this hurts me more than you can imagine.

Stassi is always so lively and happy, Blaze may act cold but he's a very good kid and seeing them both broken hurts me a lot.

Blaze finally answered my question still looking at the floor. "They're dead" he paused and sighed "I got a call from an officer a few minutes ago."

I looked down at Stassi to see her calming down. "Their finally gone." She mumbled.

"Maybe I should just stay home, tell Alex I can't go clubbing I did have a nightmare and panic attack a while ago." I looked over at Blaze who shook his head.

"It's your birthday go have fun." He said as he pulled Stassi off me and they both sat on his bed.

I nodded my head at him and walked out of the room so I could get ready.

I stood in my closet and looked for a nice outfit to wear clubbing. God it's do much easier when I have Stassi to help me pick the perfect outfit.

After a while, I eventually picked out a nice white dress. I then applied some lip gloss and mascara nothing to serious and used concealer to cover up all my visible scares.

I picked a purse and put my phone and other necessities. I walked downstairs and opened the door for Alex since I got a text from him while I was getting ready.

He looks so hot in his suit without the tie and the top buttons open. "Hi" I said shyly once I realized I was staring.

He chuckled and pulled me in for a quick kiss. "You look stunning mi Rosa."

I blushed at his compliment and thank him. He wrapped his hand around my waist "Shall we."

I nodded my head and we got into his car. He started the engine and drove off.

After driving for a while he looked over at me and broke the silence. "I didn't know you had tattoos." He said as he turned his attention to the road.

"Oh must be the first time I'm not wearing something with long sleeves in front of you."

"How many do you have?" He said still extremely focused on the road, damn he looks hot driving.

"3" I said as I looked out the window. "I would love to see them all closely but I have to get us to our destination."

We sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the drive.



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👆 Eifeel's outfit

👆 Eifeel's outfit

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👆 Alex's outfit

Sadly I couldn't get a picture of Bree but I'll try to describe her as best as I can in the next chapter.

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