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Eifeel's POV

We pulled up at the club and walked to the entrance. "Stay close princess." He wrapped his hand around my waist as we walked in.

It was packed, people were all over the dance floor moving to the beat of the loud music over the speakers.

We walked to the VIP section and I looked around. The people here had an intimidating and dangerous aura about them.

Alex gave my waist a squeeze and whispered on my ear. "Your fine, no one will touch you with me around."

I nodded my head as we sat to a booth at the far end of the section. Alex slung his arm around my shoulders and squeezed it.

I looked over at him and smiled. He kissed my forehead and smiled back at me. "Now that we're here wanna tell me what your tattoos mean."

I smiled and pointed at the one on my right arm. "This one is the logo of my brand. I mainly got it cause of my name and company."

He nodded his head to show he was listening. I pointed at the one on my wrist next, still on my right arm. "This is the matching tattoo I got with Stassi and Blaze, we got these a year after I adopted them."

I pointed at the one on my left shoulder blade. "I got this tattoo when I was 19 with my mum, it was actually the first tattoo I ever got." I said as I stared at the tattoo.

"What does it mean?"


"From what?"


"Freedom from what?" I tensed up at that question.

Don't get me wrong I true Alex but what if he leaves once he finds out he's dating a girl who was abused for
14 years of her life.

He most have noticed my discomfort cause he took my hands in his and squeezed them.

"Hey you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead.

"Awwwwwwn so adorable." I looked over in the direction of the voice to see Owen looking at Alex and I with a lady and guy beside him.

The guy looked super hot like he walked out of a magazine shoot but not as hot as Alex.

The lady had lushious black hair with full lips and rings on her fingers. She had a few tattoos on her fingers but the most captivating thing about her were her eyes.

Alex looked over at me and smiled "Eifeel let me introduce them."

"That's my youngest brother, Luke." He said pointing at the guy, who smiled at me and waved shyly.

"That is my best friend and Donna of the Spanish Mafia, Bree Romano." He said as he pointed at the lady who winked at me.

"And this idiot as you know is Owen." He said as he rolled his eyes at Owen who sat next to him.

"Damn Xander you picked a pretty one." Bree said as she sat next to me making me blush.

"Hola Chica, Xander has told me so much about you. I'm so happy to meet you." I smiled at her and looked over to Luke who was sitting on a couch a bit far from us.

Owen looked in my direction and noticed ma staring at his brother. "He's shy, don't worry you'll love him once you get to know him."

"I enough if the chit chat let's get clubbing." Bree said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bar.

"What do you want to drink?"

"I don't drink." I said looking at the ground shyly. "Oh that's cool." She said and smiled at me.

She turned to the bartender and asked for a mocktail for me and Cosmo for herself. Once we were done with our drinks we got onto the dance floor and danced.

The guys, expect for Luke joined us on the dance floor and eventually went back to our booth.

After dancing for ages, I walked back to our booth and sat in between Alex and Luke. Alex slung his arm over my shoulders and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I smiled at him and looked over at Luke. "Why are you so shy." He looked down and blushed at me statement making me giggle.

"He's scared you'll judge him cause he's gay." Luke looked over at Alex and gave him a 'what the hell' look.

Alex smirked slyly and shrugged. "Luke I would never judge you." I said calmly.

"Told you Luke." I glared at him while he just winked at me.

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