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Eifeel's POV
It's been hours since was moved to this darkroom and now I'm sitting on the floor hugging my knees to my chest with my tear stained face.

You might be wondering what happened well, a few hours after Viktor left some guy came into the room and untied me from the chair for some reason.

I took the chance and knocked him out cold then ran out of the room but was grabbed by some huge guard who took me to this even darker room which cause a panic attack and me passing out and now here I am.

The sound of gunshots brought me out of my thoughts. I looked over at the door to see it being opened by a drunk Viktor.

He stumbled into the room and looked down at me "Well darling it looks like Alex found you" he slurred out as he walked closer to me.

"Don't worry he won't find you here so before we leave how about we have some fun" he smirked evilly as he said that. I tried to run away but he grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.

I screamed and struggled as he pulled out a pair of cuffs from his pocket, he cuffed my hands and hung them on a nail like thing above me.

I continued to struggle and cry which cause him to slap me across the face. "Shut the fuck up" he yelled as he shoved a cloth in my mouth.

He pulled a knife out and used it to cut my shirt in half as he kissed my neck. His hand trailed up from my waist to my chest which squeezed making me scream as loud as I could but it was muffled by the cloth.

He laughed at my cries as he ripped my pants as well leaving me in just my bra and panties.

He pulled his hands in his pants about to pull himself out but his body dropped on top of mine.

I noticed a bullet hole in his head as his body was being pulled off me by someone but I couldn't tell who due to my vision being blurred by my tears.

I blinked my eyes and saw Alex standing in front of me. He pulled the cloth out of my mouth, uncuffed me and pulled me into a hug and o began to sob.

"Shhhh I'm here Principessa" he pulled out of the hug and kissed my forehead, he then pulled off his black T-shirt and slipped it over my head covering me up.

He picked me up bridal style and walked out of the room. "Who shot him" I asked, my voice hoarse from all the screaming. He looked down at me with guilt eyes and sighed "Stassi"

"Where is she" I asked wondering where my daughter is. "She went out front with the rest." I nodded my head at his reply and started to feel sleepy.

I closed my eyes and let the whole world go dark around me.

Alexander's POV
I looked down at the girl in my hands to see her asleep. I sighed and continued to walk over all the dead bodies until I got to the entrance of the warehouse.

As I walked out of the building I saw everyone standing by all the cars. I walked over to them still cradling her in my arms.

"You can ride with Bree and I while Blaze and Stassi ride in another car." I nodded at that and we all got into our respective cars.

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