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Eifeel's POV
It's been a few weeks since the whole kidnapping incident and things have gone back to normal.

Alex has upped his security since then and has also started training me with hasn't been that bad since I used to train with Adriano.

Stassi and I are in my bedroom performing the usual Friday night ritual of watching You while eating ice cream.

We were interrupted by my phone ringing, I checked the caller ID to see it was Alex. Stassi paused the show and I picked up the call.

Eifeel - Hey

Alex - Hello principessa. Where are you

Eifeel - in my bedroom watching You with Stassi and eating ice cream

Alex - that sounds nice but how about I come pick you up and we go for a drive

Eifeel - hmm

Stassi - it's fine you can pick her up

Alex - thanks Stassi. I'll see you soon principessa (ends call)

I lookes over at Stassi to see her smiling "you didn't have to do that"

"It's fine plus if I don't let you two go on a date we're never gonna move in with him talk less you guys getting married." I shook my head at her and smiled "I guess I have to get ready now"

"Good thing you have me to help" she walked into my closet and I walked in behind her to see her picking up a hoodie, some sweatpants and a pair of sneakers.

I got dressed in the outfit, brushed my hair and put them in pigtails. I went back into the room to see Stassi eating the ice cream and watching a different movie.

"I'll be back soon" I picked up my phone and some other stuff and walked out of the room. "Have fun" she yelled back at me.

I walked down stairs to see Alex talking to Blaze in the living room. "I see you two are having fun" they both looked at me as I walked up to them.

I looked over at Alex who smiled at me and held my hand "bye Blaze" I said as as we walked out of the house.

We got into his car and drove to get food then to the peak we went to on our first date. We sat in each other's arms and ate in silence "principessa?"

"Yes Alex" I looked up at him since I was sitting in between his legs just like on our first date. "I was wondering if you would move in with me. I know you wouldn't want to leave Blaze and Stassi but they can move in as well, I have enough room for them..."

I cut him off by me giggling "Alex relax I would love to move in with you" he looked down at me and smiled "I love you "and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too"

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