Little Red Riding Mask and the Big, Bad Hyena [Raphx@The_World_is_Scary]

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[Hey guys! Another RaphxOC for miss @The_World_is_scary ! Hope you like it, darlin! See yah! Wøłfę øüt~!]

Chase's POV

I had finished another night of patrol, just making sure the Purple Dumb-asses weren't screwing with any of the innocents. I slung my cricket bat back into its crudely fashioned holster and climbed towards the ladder that led me down onto the streets. It took a few minutes, but I finally made it back to the small, beaten down trailer I called my house. But I noticed one thing: the door was ajar. With a quick hand, I reached behind me, flicking my long, bushy tail out of the way and grabbing two small knives. I silently pushed the door open and glanced around. I didn't see anything, but I could hear rustling from the bedroom. A few steps, and an extremely thin man came into view. He was holding the one thing that no one should ever touch-- my necklace. It was a small heart shaped locket, it had the last picture my family took together, before I was mutated. In his arms, as well, he had a pair of my undergarments. I kicked the door open and lunged towards him, wrenching the necklace out of his hands and ramming him into the wall. Well, actually, I wasn't paying attention to my strength and ran him through the wall. We stumbled out into an alley way and I pinned him against the wall.

"Oh, now, come on. Don't be like that!" He yelled in my ear, one of his bony hands sliding to grab my breast. I growled and lost all sense of human decency. I saw red. I was beating this guy bloody with the butt of my knife and my cricket bat, not realizing how close to death he really was until I was pulled off by strong arms.

"Calm down!" A rough, familiar Brooklyn-accented voice yelled in my ear. I gnashed my razor sharp teeth at the son of a bitch whose blood still covered my hands, clothes, and weapons. "This sonofabitch ain't wort' it, trust me! Chase, just let the bastard go!" The voice screamed, wrapping his large body towards mine. Once my higher reasoning skills came back online, I stopped struggling, dropping both my bat and my knife as I watched Donnie and Leo cart off the stupid tweaker who tried to steal not only my necklace, but my underwear, too? What a sicko. Raph was still standing behind me, wiping the blood gently from my face, whispering calming words into my ear.

"Thanks." I muttered quietly, my ears falling flat against my head and my tail drooping low. I almost killed a man.

"'S no problem. Looks like Little Red Riding Mask is good for somethin', eh?" He joked quietly, turning me to face him.

"Don't get too much of a swelled head, Raphie." I chuckled quietly. He growled and shook his head, tugging me along as the guys retreated into the lair.

"One, you are da only person that will EVAH get away wit' callin' me dat, and two, let's get dat nasty ass blood offa yer clothes and beautiful face, eh?" He said, helping me down the manhole. Hm, I guess Red Riding Mask always did know what to say.

And how to calm me down. Humph. Raphie to the rescue.

[Sorry it sucks. V~V]

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