The Bartender pt 1

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I walk into the bar like I do every other Saturday night, except today, I have my best friend Rumi with me.

"So, Y/N, you like the bartender huh?" She giggles, sitting down at the bar. I sit down next to her rolling my eyes playfully.

"Shut up, Rumi! I never said that." I scold. The bartender is a carmel colored, curly black past shoulder length haired man. He has nearly blinding perfectly straight teeth, a cute little upturned nose and the most alluring lips I have ever seen. I have been coming to this bar, this exact bar, every Saturday after work for the past two months just to see him. Ruin doesn't know that though. No one does. Except the bartender which name is Michael by the way. We talk every time I come in here and I think I have accidentally fallen in love with him. I mean, I don't see how any other woman who knows him hasn't fallen in love. Literally everything about him is perfect. His laugh is the cutest thing ever, loud, high pitched, and never stops. I love seeing him smile, even if it's fake, and I also love seeing him bite his lip. Somehow, he manages to be cute, sexy, hot, and, handsome all at the same time. I can't get enough of him. I kind of think he likes me back too because I catch him just... staring at me, like he's in a trance and I have to snap in his face to get him out of it. After that happens he usually gets super quiet and blushes. Yeah... I think he likes me but it could be the placebo effect.

"Yeah, right." She scoffs in her unmistakable British accent. I look at her, making sure she could tell I was annoyed with my facial expression.

"Okay, believe what you want. I just think he's-" I pause to find the right words, "cute." I finish.

"Think who's cute?" Someone asks from my side. I turn to see who it is. Of course, Michael, looking as sexy as ever wearing a tight, black, v-line t-shirt and a hand towel draped over his shoulder. He smiled at me, waiting for me to answer.

"Oh- uhm, no-one." I stutter quietly. I wanna try to act as normal as possible around him. I would be humiliated if her or Rumi ever found out about my little 'crush', so I have to be very careful.

"Okay, fine. Don't tell me." He chuckles as he pours a drink. There's that handsome smile I love. I rest my chin in my hand using my elbow for support as I admire him discreetly.

"Who's your friend?" He asks sliding me a margarita. I look over at Rumi, who starts giggling like crazy.

"Her name is Rumi. Shes from Britain." I reply. He shakes her hand firmly.

"Nice to meet you, Rumi." He greets politely.

"Nice to meet you...?" She drags questioning his name.

"Michael." He tells her before getting back to washing a cup. I start drinking my margarita... well, more like chugging it but whatever. I wanted to genuinely have fun to night with Rumi so why not start of strong? I'll be honest, I can't tell if he is flirting with Rumi or not and if he is then I need to ignore it somehow (by drinking of course).

"Slow down, Acushla. Don't wanna get too wasted before you can have fun now do you?" He states jokingly. Wow he's being a little cocky tonight isn't he. I put down my drink so I can reply.

"First of all- Wait... What did you call me?" I burst out laughing. Who is Acushla?

"What? Acushla?" He asks innocently. I gotta say, he is super cute when he says that.

"Yeah." I reply quickly wanting an answer.

Oh. Nothing, it's just a nickname. You don't mind do you?" He asks. I blush a little bit at the way he's talking to me and hope to god he or Rumi can't tell.

"No..." I say almost inaudibly.

"Can I get a Margarita, too?" Rumi asks keeping us from going into an awkward silence.

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