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Michael's P.O.V.

"Stop it!! Oh my God, stopppppp!" My best friend Brittney screamed in laughter as I tickled her to death.

"No! Never!" I laughed continuing to poke at her ribs relentlessly. She writhed underneath my strong hold, squirming in attempt to get me to stop but I refused.

"Please, Michael!!" She yelped, sticking out her bottom lip playfully, trying to make me feel bad for her.

"Ugh! Fine. You're no fun." I huffed jokingly and got up from on top of her. She sat up catching her breath and looked over at me.

"I'm gonna get you back for that you know." She said giving me a halfway serious face.

"Yeah, right. I'd like to see you try." I smirked, poking her in the rib one last time. She yelped and scooted away from me laughing.

"Michael!! Stop it, seriously." She laughed. I bit my lip looking at her. She was so beautiful, little things that she did had me going crazy. I got butterflies when I got close to her... or even thought about her for that matter. I guess I had a crush on her, but I knew I had to ignore it. She was too good for me, too beautiful so she would never feel the same way. I knew that for a fact.

Or maybe I could grow some balls and ask her to prom...? I don't know...

I watched her with a smile glued to my face as she got her binder out of her bag and began doing her homework.

"What?" She giggled looking over at me. I ripped my eyes away from her, realizing I'd been staring at her.

"Nothing, sorry." I cleared my throat. I sat Indian style on the edge of her bed looking around her room that brought back many childhood memories of her and I playing around.

"Can you help me with this question Mike, I don't understand it?" She asked scooting closer and setting her binder on my legs. It felt like she set a fire on my heart, my cheeks were as red as a beet.

"Yeah sure." I smiled at her and helped her with it, explaining it to her and making sure she understood it. I found it extremely cute that she didn't understand, and I liked explaining it to her too.

"Thanks, I knew you were good for something." She said laughing. I gasped putting my hand on my chest and pretending to be offended.

"I am good for many things thank you very much." I said smirking. What I said could have been taken many ways, but I most definitely meant it in a not very innocent way. I hoped she didn't catch onto what I was saying, I didn't know if her reaction would be good or bad.

"That's something I'd need to see in order to believe." She looked over at me with a grin.

Ugh! That smile. She's too perfect. I'd love to show her what I'm good at.

I couldn't hold back the wide smile growing in my face, she just made me so happy. And she didn't even have to do anything, she just had to be there. Exist.

"You have seen it! What about when I stand up for you when those boys at school are all over you?" I defended. She pushed my chest lightly making my heart flutter at the contact. She probably thought I was just being a good friend, but I was being overly protective because I liked her. I hated when those boys complimented her, I wanted to be the one to say those things about her but... I was just her best friend. Nothing more.

"Whatever. Just help me with my homework before it gets late and you have to go home." She giggled lightly. I laid on my stomach next to her and she did the same making it easy for us to see work together.

"And what if I don't?" I teased with a smirk. She pulled a face looking offended, but it quickly changed.

"You'll help me. Since when have you ever said no to me?" She asked. I stayed quiet, I knew if I said anything to that she would definitely catch onto me. She was right, I never said no. I wanted every chance I got to spend time with her. I loved the way she made me feel when we were close, physically and emotionally.

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