Cabin Fever

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Michael's P.O.V

"You sure you don't wanna hit that chunk of ass yet, Mike?" Jermaine, my big brother asks, looking straight at Y/N's butt as she walks by.

Let me explain who Y/N is, so you can understand why he's asking that. Y/N is my longtime best friend. There isn't one thing we do without each other, including what we are doing now, camping. Our families decided to get together for a week and camp out, so that's what we're doing. The catch is, I stupidly told my whole family that I would admit my feelings to her sometime during the trip... and boy do I regret it!! Even knowing her as well as I do, I'm terrified about how she will react. There have been times when we've held hands or cuddled while watching movies... but friends do that... right? I don't know. All the guys she dated before we became friends were muscular jocks who played all the sports, so why would she like me, a skinny guy who doesn't play any sports? Oh gosh why did I tell them that! I can't back out now!

"Don't look at her like that. And I'm never going to answer that question." I tell him, using my deep voice so he knows I mean business.

"Okayy, damn, Mike. I was just messing around anyway." He raises his hands up like he's surrendering. I raise an eyebrow at him in annoyance, he gives me a look and walks out.

What am I gonna do?! I'm scared out of my mind!

"Michael, everyone's is getting ready to go swimming at a waterfall we found. No adults... wanna come??" My sister Janet, asks through the cracked door interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah sure. I'll be out in a minute." I tell her, smiling. I let out a deep sigh as I take off my clothes and change into my favorite red swim trunks. Trying to make myself feel more confident, I look at myself in the mirror, putting on my most charming smile. It helps a little so I jog outside, finding Y/N waiting for me on the porch, standing in a bikini that shows off her curves.

That top would be so easy to rip off of her... No! Jesus Mike, you cant think about her like that.

"Are you ready?" She asks walking close to me.

"Yup, where are we going?" I ask, cheesing at her like an idiot. It's definitely not the smile I had earlier. She bites her lip excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Give me a piggy back ride and I'll direct you." She says like she's making a deal. I smile down at her, squealing on the inside at her cuteness.

"Alright, girl. But let me warn you. I give a mean piggy back ride." I giggle, squatting down in front of her so she can get on my back.

"We'll see about that, Mr." She laughs, hopping on. Just as she gets on, my child side takes over and I start spinning around in a circle extremely fast. She squeals, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, tightly as if her life depended on it.

"Ahhh! M-michael stop! Stop p-please stop!!" She yells, nuzzling her face in the crock of my neck.

That's what you'll be screaming- NO! NO NO NO. DO. NOT. THINK. LIKE. THAT.

But she's so- NOPE.

I stop spinning, laughing like a maniac. She bites my shoulder really hard out of nowhere.

"Ow! What the heck, Y/N?!" I pout looking back at her.

"I'm sorry, but that was mean and you deserve it." Her voice sounding sassy as she talks. I grip her thighs really hard, not enough to hurt her, but just enough to warn her.

"That hurt. I'm gonna get you back for that." I tell her halfway seriously.

"I'd like to see you try." She says. I just shake my head and squeeze her thick thighs as hard as I can, sure to leave a red mark on her.

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