Blood is on the Knife

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Michael walked into the club, his eyes scanned the room as his body guards came in behind him in alignment. All of them watched the room for a moment before they let him know it was okay.

"It's clear, sir." One of them grunted gruffly. Michael signaled them to stand in corners of the room to make sure none of his enemies showed up, am man like him could get into a very dangerous situation if the wrong people were there. He is prestigious and well known in the cartel business, and many men are out to take him down so they can have his lime light. What many of them don't know, is that he is an extremely dangerous man with almost as much power as the president, which is exactly why no one has assassinated him to this day. Michael decided to come here, to the club that he owns, La Venganza De Los Demonios, just to check up on who was entering his club. He didn't want any funny business going on without his knowledge.

As he wandered to the bar, someone ran smack into him. The person yelped falling to the ground, at first Michael felt anger balling up in his stomach, but once his eyes feel upon the person, the anger immediately turned into butterflies. Before his eyes, he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, she was absolutely stunning.

"I-I'm so sorry! I-" she started frantically, but he cut her off, smiling widely holding his hand out to her. When the woman saw his face clearly for this first time, her faced turned red like a tomato.

"Let me help you up." He said in a deep tone. She looked up at him surprised at his courtesy towards her. Most of the other men in this club had been particularly rude to her, just like the one she was just running away from. She grabbed his large masculine hand, immediately feeling an electric spark run through her body. Michael pulled her up effortlessly, staring into her eyes the whole time. She wondered if he felt the spark to, and make no mistake he definitely did. He hadn't had that kind of electricity with a woman in many years. Especially when he hadn't even known her.

"Thank you, sir." She said breathlessly.

"Are you okay, girl? You look flush." He asked, concerned, placing his hand on the small of her back and moving her out of the walkway and to the bar.

"I'm fine, but I-I need to hide..." she told him ripping her eyes from him and looking around the room. Michael gave her a confused look.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you need to hide?" He asked her, thinking about taking her to one of his upstairs private rooms.

"Um, I was dancing with this guy... a-and, he, you know, got a little too handsy. When I told him to stop he got really angry so I ran away." She stuttered looking up at him, starting to admire his chiseled face.

"No need in hiding, I can have the perv kicked out." He said. He could usually control himself around beautiful women, but with this particular woman, he was having a hard time around her. She was beyond beautiful, she was an Amazon Woman and he loved it.

"Wha- H-how could you do that?" She asked curiously, Michael found it cute that she was as shy as she was. His mind was swirling with things that he could do to her, but he quickly shook those thoughts out, remembering his mother's teachings of politeness towards women.

"I own this club. If someone is here and I don't want them here, they won't be here." He says with a chuckle.

"Oh. Wow.... That would be amazing if you could throw him out." She said anxiously. There was no doubt the the two liked each other, and Michael wanted to eventually take it a step further when he felt that she was showing him the right signs.

"Sure thing..." he drawled out in a way of asking for her name. She giggles a little before answering.

"Ena, and you are?" She asked holding her hand out to shake his hand. He took his hand in his gently and kissed the top of it.

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