He's Dancing Like a Stripper

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As Ena walked through to the back of the club, she only had one thing in mind, she knew what she wanted and she was here to get it no matter what. She heard the loud music playing from the very back door, and she knew exactly where that door lead. A smirk slowly appeared on her lips when she heard the voice of the man singing... Michael.

She couldn't help but feel a little aroused at the simple thought of him, she enjoyed feeling the throbbing sensation between her legs he gave her every-time she came to do this. She entered the room making sure no one saw her go in.

Leaning against the wall, Ena couldn't hide here enjoyment as she watched Michael give a hot, sweaty, concert to the small amount of people that knew about the secret shows he gave. She bit her lip, making her way to the very back room, Michaels private dress room. Miraculously, it was unlocked, almost as if he left it that way because he knew she was coming. The circumstances were just too perfect. No one knew the room even existed since it was well hidden, and Ena was the only one who had been in there. Why else would he leave it unlocked?

Ena closed the door behind her and plopped down on the large leather couch. She enjoyed the faint music in the background, and dark red lighting of the room, which set the mood just right for her to make dirty little scenarios of her and Michael in her head.

"I knew you'd be here." An all to recognizable voice said just before the door closed. Ena snapped out of her dream like reverie, not realizing how long it had been. She looked up and down is slim body, he was wearing a deep red silky button up shirt, with matching leather pants, which were definitely too tight. Her lips slightly as her eyes hovered over his large bulge before she looked back up to his perfectly sculpted face.

"You like what you see, huh?" Michael asked her in a smug tone, like he knew the answer.

He loved to dance for Ena in private, he liked the way she made him feel, he liked how she denied her true feelings for him, she made it seem like she only wanted his body, when they both knew they were in love with eachother. Why else would she come to do this so often if she didn't feel the same way?

He watched as Ena gulped, he wanted to take her right then and there, he imagined himself ontop of her, her hands pinned above her head, his cock deep inside of her beautiful, wet pussy, and her nipples in his mouth. He shook the thoughts from his head as she started speaking.

"Michael, you know what I'm here for. You know what I want." Ena said in that sultry voice that he loved so much.

"Oh, yeah. I know what you want. It's gonna be a little different this time, though." He warned in a deeper voice than normal, kicking off his shoes as he walked towards the record player. Ena watched him, finding herself getting more and more turned on with each and every step he took. Something about the way he moved, even doing simple things made her feel a certain way, and she liked it.

"What kind of different?" Ena asked curiously, she knew he always had something interesting up his sleeve.

"You'll see." He said deeply giving her no time to interject before he turned on the record player. It was one of Ena's favorite songs to watch him dance to, Blood on the Dance Floor.

Michael walked in front of her, carrying a chair with him. He set the chair directly in front of her, then stood behind it. Ena laid back against the couch, feeling comfortable. She looked his body up and down biting her lip, he truly was something else. He dragged his middle finger down his chest while rolling his hips in the air. When he reached the bottom of his stomach, he brought his hand back up to his chest and started unbuttoning his shirt. Ena raised her eyebrows realizing what he meant by different... she hated to admit that she liked where this was going. Her lower regions felt as if they were on fire from how turned on, she could feel herself getting wet. Her underwear was definitely already ruined.

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