Cabin Fever pt 2

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I tuck a lock of hair behind her ear, moving closer to her face slowly, her breath fanning my lips softly...

To be continued...

"Ummm what the fuck do you think youre doing, Mike?" A voice says. It takes me a moment to look away, I'm in multi own little world just admiring Y/N's face, so beautiful and soft... like porcelain.

"Uhm.... what? What did you say??" I asked softly, still looking straight into her mesmerizing eyes. It's Dante's annoying ass...

"I said what do you think you're doing?"' He said threateningly. I heard him stand up and march toward me, his presence lingering behind my back. Y/N subtly grabs my hand rubbing her thumb over the back of it. I don't know how she does it, but she makes me so confident sometimes. And now would be one of those times.

"I was about to kiss the most beautiful girl I know, but I guess now I have to deal with your annoying ass." I say angrily, standing up and facing him.

"What the fuck did you just say to me little bitch?!" He said. I try to hold in a laugh as his voice cracks from the annoyance he puts in his high pitched tone. I clench my fists so tight my knuckles turn white, swinging the the best right hand hook I can. I feel a crack when my hand connects to his cheek making a "slap" sound. He instantly falls back thudding on the floor, I was expecting him to jump right back up and sock me in the face but... he just laid there, not moving.

"Michael... are you okay?" That sweet soothing voice whispers from behind me. What's going on here? I knocked her brother out and she's worried about me?? I'm glad but, confused.

"Oh god... I-I'm sorry! I don't... I don't know what got into me I just" I start, realizing what really just happened., but I get cut off "Don't be, he deserved it anyway." Y/N says dryly and grabs my hand again.

Everyone just stares at us, they look like a herd of deer in headlights. I stare back at them with a blank look on my face as my chest heaves before they all rush to Dante to see if he's alright.

"Come with me." Y/N says looking up at me. I can only manage a head nod until she pulls me to her room in the back of the cabin.

I must be in shock right now, I can't think straight, all I can think about is 3 things, What would that kiss have been like?, What made her so distant towards Dante?, and Why did I punch him like that?

"Hey. Earth to Michael..." she touches my face lightly making me realize we are sitting on her bed. I grab her smooth hand from my face holding it and look at her intently.

"Yeah." I say softly barely above a whisper.

"I- I need to tell you something..." her eyes searching mine deeply, somehow she looks vulnerable. That makes me want to comfort her.

"What is it, girl?" I coo curiously. She nibbles on her lip as her eyes start to gloss over.

"If I told you something really bad, you know something that could get somebody in trouble... you wouldn't tell anybody, right?" She asks quietly. I flicker my focus from her lips to her eyes, resisting the urge to kiss her.

"Of course not, especially if you didn't want me to." I say replacing my hand to her thigh, still red with my hand print on one the top from earlier.

"He- he tried to..." she starts but begins to sob instead.

"Hey hey... shhhh." I wrap my arms around her pulling her head into my bare chest. My heart races and I feel butterflies in my stomach, but I have to be completely serious right now so I block it out.

"You can tell me anything. Anything you need, girl." I tell her soothingly. She lifts her head sniffling as she leans towards my ear. I try my hardest not to smile or bite my lip.

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