Chapter 1

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NOTE: This story starts right at the beginning of the events of Season 3 of Stranger Things. RJ is the only OC of this story, every other character is from the original story. Enjoy :)

It was an unusually hot day in Hawkins, Indiana. Everyone was looking for a way to beat the heat. RJ was riding back from work with all of the windows down in her car, cooling the small band of sweat that had pooled on her forehead and behind her ears. The Indiana heat was nothing compared to the California heat she was used to, but it still wasn't comfortable. All RJ wanted to do was get home and take a long, well-deserved, shower. She felt the wind rush through the car with Kate Bush blasting over the speakers.

The past year hadn't exactly been easy for RJ. In the fall, she moved from her home in California to Hawkins when her mother remarried. She wasn't too fond of her stepfather, but the real trouble was with her stepbrother, Billy. He was always an angry person but the move to Indiana made him even more irritable. The only thing that made RJ's new family situation bearable was her sister Max. She and Max had been through everything together. From their parent's divorce to moving across the country.

However, Max went off and made her own friends. She grew further and further away from her sister. RJ was happy for her but didn't share Max's luck in making good friend's. She wound up being alone most of the time. Then there was Steve. Steve found RJ at her lowest in December. He picked her up off the ground and for the first time since she moved to Hawkins, RJ was content. But she knew nothing good lasted forever.

RJ sang along to Kate Bush's angelic voice as she continued along the road to her house. As she was drumming on the steering wheel, she noticed a piece of paper taped to her dashboard. Keeping her left hand on the wheel, she peeled the paper off her dash.

Get milk.

"Shit," she mumbled under her breath. She had forgotten to stop at the store. She was so eager to get home from work it had completely left her mind. Luckily there was a small grocery store on the corner of Church and Cornwallis. Granted, a gallon of milk there would cost RJ a dollar or two more than if she had gone to Big Buy, but she didn't care. All she cared about was getting home as quickly as she could.

The Corner Store on Church and Cornwallis was often just a place to stop for cigarettes. Occasionally, school boys would come in with their allowance money to stock up on candy bars and coke. Thankfully, for RJ, they also sold a few essential groceries like milk and eggs.

The door swung open accompanied by a light ding of a bell. RJ briskly walked to the refrigeration section along the back wall and grabbed a gallon of milk. She turned around to walk to the register and felt her stomach drop. She locked eyes with a familiar fluffy-haired pretty boy. Steve Harrington. She wished she could just grab her milk and get out without having to talk to him, but she knew that wouldn't happen.

"RJ. H- Hi," Steve said awkwardly.


RJ couldn't quite read Steve's expression. He seemed startled and nervous but was smiling slightly under his bright red complexion.

"Long time no see," RJ said, attempting to fill the awkward silence.

"Yeah, are you?" Steve replied.

"I'm good. Just...working at the bookstore."

"I know. I mean, I've seen you in the mall...not that I'm like stalking you, I also work in the mall at Scoops Ahoy ya know... with the stupid outfit."

RJ remembered that she had spotted a few times at the mall. He stood behind the ice cream counter wearing a bright blue sailor costume with a little sailor hat. She was incredibly thankful she didn't have a uniform for her job.

"Do they really make you wear that outfit every day?" She asked

"Yeah, yeah they do."

Steve and RJ shared a small laugh together, followed by another pause that lasted a little too long for comfort. The only people in the store were Her, Steve, and the man behind the register. The only sound radiating through the store was the soft hum of the air conditioning.

"Uh, well, I'm gonna head out, but was nice running into you," RJ responded, trying to sound the least awkward she could. She didn't do a very good job.

"Y- Yeah it was good to see you too," Steve smiled lightly.

RJ walked past him and put the gallon on the counter along with her money. She kept her gaze locked on the floor. She could feel Steve glance at her. The cashier gave her her change and she started to walk out.

She made it all the way out of the store and to her car before hearing another jingle of the door.

"Hey RJ wait," Steve called behind her.

She stopped and turned around, preparing herself for whatever Steve was about to say.

" this is really weird of me to ask and I mean you can totally say no and that'd be fine.

Shit shit shit he's gonna ask me something stupid. SHIT.

"I fucked up my car yesterday and my dad is taking it into the shop but I'm without a car and I know you work at the mall too so I was wondering if I could get a ride to work tomorrow? I just need a ride there my dad can give me ride back and I know my house is kind of out of the way but I'd give you gas money of course and again you can say no but I just thought I'd ask."

RJ had never heard Steve talk so fast. She knew this was probably some elaborate excuse to spend time with her, and as strange as she found his request, she was also slightly intrigued. She really did miss Steve, but after what she had done to him in May, she tried to stay as far away from him as possible. She had no idea what possessed her to respond the way she did, but after a bit of time to take in what Steve had asked her, she responded.

"Yeah, I could do that," She attempted to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Ok yeah. Awesome. Thank you," Steve had the cheesiest smile on his face.

"Of course...I'll swing by around 10 okay?"

"Sounds good."

RJ opened her car door and sat the milk on the passenger's seat before turning to see Steve arguing with the store clerk.

"I was just about to come back in and pay man no need to freak out."

In his rush to talk to RJ, Steve had forgotten to pay for his Reece's. After Steve begrudgingly placed his money in the store clerk's hand, he looked over to see RJ laughing at his little altercation. He smiled sweetly and waved goodbye; she waved back.

RJ got back in her car and let out a deep sigh.

What am I getting myself into?

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