Chapter 13

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 RJ's plan was falling perfectly into place. They had gathered up a bunch of the green canisters and hid behind a large crate in the main room of the base. The plan was to break the canisters on their way to the exit to cause a distraction and bring everyone into the main room. Then they'd find Steve and Robin.

RJ heard two guards conversing next to the crate they had hidden behind. She leaned in to see if she could comprehend what they were saying. She didn't know a lick of Russian, but a few words stuck out to her. They sounded something like Americans and three. She remembered how they had passed by a hallway marked with a three. That must be where Steve and Robin were.

"Ok, it's go time," Robin said confidently.

Erica and Dustin gave a firm nod of approval. They checked to see if the coast was clear before running out of their hiding spot, strategically dropping the canisters behind them. Anyone that attempted to follow them was stopped by the gaping holes left behind by the green liquid. RJ, Dustin, and Erica ran like hell.

They found the hallway marked with the three. There was one single door standing at the end of the hallway. The lights started flashing red, and the alarm went off again. They watched the door swing open and someone who appeared to be a General of sorts storm out. RJ noticed a man in a white lab coat in the room before the door closed again.

"Shit, there's another guy in there," She said in defeat.

Erica handed her the cattle prod, "Fry the commie bastard."

RJ smiled at Erica and took the prod. She led Dustin and Erica down the hallway to the door. She took a deep breath, collected her courage, and burst into the room. The man in the lab coat didn't have time to process what had happened before RJ jabbed him in the stomach with the cattle prod. She watched him fall to the ground, impressed with herself. She saw Steve tied to the chair with Robin.

"Holy shit," she muttered.

He looked like he had been beaten near to death. His face was bloody and swollen. She would have been more concerned if it wasn't for his oddly cheery disposition.

"I knew it! I knew it, see Robin. I told you my girlfriend would save us," he said to Robin, slurring his words together.

Dustin untied Steve and Robin and instructed them to run. Robin took the instruction despite being out of it as well. Steve, however, stayed sat down, looking around in confusion.

"Hold on, I think I need a minute," Steve was laughing to himself hysterically.

They didn't have time for this. RJ grabbed his wrist and yanked him out of his chair. They ran back to the delivery vehicle, corralling Steve and Robin into the back. The two of them were laughing like idiots.

"What the hell is wrong with them?" She asked Dustin as she started up the engine.

"I dunno, maybe they're delirious from getting beaten up," He replied.

The engine started, and they zoomed back down the hallway. RJ took a moment to let herself breathe. She felt like she had been holding her breath since they dropped those green canisters. Then, a smile crept across her face. Her plan had worked flawlessly. She heard Robin and Steve talking childish nonsense in the back of the vehicle.

Her plan had worked out nearly flawlessly.

The hallway that had taken them hours to walk took them minutes to drive down. At first, RJ was concerned by Steve and Robin's state. The two continued to act ridiculously, arguing over the name of the Indy 500. Her concern had turned into annoyance. She knew it wasn't their fault for acting how they did, but that didn't make it any less annoying. She was also stuck thinking about how, in his dazed state, Steve called her his girlfriend. Their bickering, complaining and laughing started to make RJ feel like she was going crazy herself.

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