Chapter 6

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Steve, Robin, and Dustin endlessly discussed what they believed the intentions of the Russians were, but their conversation came back to one thing; they needed to figure out how to find a way in. Steve wasn't much help in thinking up a plan. He couldn't think of anything except how stupid he had been. He opened the door with RJ again only for her to slam it in his face again. Only this time, it stung even more.

Robin had run off with the tip jar and a grand master plan leaving Steve and Dustin to run the shop. Steve had hoped they would break into the secret room and go on some new whirlwind adventure. At least it would take his mind off RJ. Steve hadn't talked to Dustin at all about what had happened with RJ that morning, but Dustin knew something was up. Dustin leaned on the front counter as Steve wiped glass cleaner across the front of the ice cream case.

"So, uh, what happened with know who?" Dustin asked awkwardly.

Steve sighed, "Look man I really don't wanna talk about it.

Steve continued cleaning, but Dustin was not satisfied with the answer Steve gave him.

"I assume it didn't go well then?" Dustin questioned further.

Frustrated, Steve slammed the rag and bottle of cleaner on the top of the case, "I said I didn't wanna talk about it."

A few customers sitting in the store turned to Steve after hearing his little outburst. Steve glanced around and noticed the strange looks he was getting for yelling at a 15-year-old kid. Steve sighed and walked around behind the counter to Dustin. Dustin turned to Steve, eagerly awaiting his next words.

"Let's just say...things with RJ are out of the picture now," Steve admitted.

Dustin let out an apologetic sigh, "I'm really sorry Steve."

Steve shrugged, "I mean I was stupid enough to think she'd actually give me a second chance. I just... I dunno. I-"

"You loved her," Dustin finished Steve's sentence. He did that from time to time. "You loved her and you weren't ready to let her go."

Steve stared at Dustin in mild disbelief, "Ok, you need to stop being so damn smart, Henderson. You're making me look stupid."

"You do that all by yourself Steve," Dustin replied.

Steve lovingly nuggied Dustin's head. The two laughed like brothers. In a way, they genuinely were. After everything they went through together in the fall, they were bound to form an unbreakable bond.

Robin returned to the store holding a rolled-up poster and, wasting no time, immediately burst into the back room. Steve and Dustin looked at each other for a moment.

"We should probably follow her," Dustin said.

"Yeah maybe that'd be a good idea," Steve replied.


As Steve taped two flashlights to a helmet, he began to question what they all had gotten into. They were attempting to break into a secret room that was supposedly owned by Russian spies and everything depended on a kid named Erica Sinclair. Erica had tormented Steve and Robin all summer; she demanded free samples of every-single flavor, every-single day.

Now it was up to the ice cream thief to climb through the vents and into the secret Russian room. Robin had used the tip money to buy a floorplan of the mall. Their plan was pretty damn good, but Steve still found it all insane. Then he remembered how he had fought interdimensional monsters not just once but twice. He found it all a little less insane after realizing that.

"Ok all done," Steve held up his helmet creation.

"Perfect," Robin exclaimed, snatching the helmet out of Steve's hand, "Ok Steve, Dustin get into positions while I debrief Erica on the route."

Steve and Dustin had learned not to question Robin. She cracked the secret Russian code and formulated this whole plan. They viewed her as some kind of super genius masquerading as a teenage girl. They obeyed Robin and began to head up to the roof.

"So, uh, You and Robin-"

Steve turned around and stopped Dustin mid-step, "What about Robin."

"Ok hear me out. You said the door is closed with RJ, so should give Robin a chance," Dustin eagerly suggested.

Steve scoffed and continued walking up the stairs. Dustin scurried behind him.

"Come on Steve I mean it. She's smart, funny, cool, and available," Dustin put heavy emphasis on that last word, "Not to mention I have the secret to get any woman drooling at your feet."

Dustin and Steve had reached the top of the first staircase. Steve turned around and placed a stern finger on Dustin's chest.

"You wanna give me girl advice? Dude, I don't need girl advice...I'm Steve Harrington for god's sake. King of Hawkins High."

"Steve, you graduated last month, seriously stop calling yourself that...and just hear me out." Dustin pulled a small square bottle of cologne out of the side pocket of his bag. "This is the secret."

Steve snatched the bottle out of Dustin's hand. It had a white label plastered across the front of it that read, "Bourreau des cœurs."

"What does this mean?" Steve asked.

"Lady Killer," Dustin wriggled his eyebrows flirtatiously, "Trust me my Suzie Q loves when I wear this stuff. Gets her weak in the knees."

Dustin sprayed a bit into the air in front of him and Steve. Steve leaned forward and took a deep inhale. Immediately Steve began coughing so hard it made him dry heave. The smell was indescribable; like putrid vetiver and slight body odor. Steve stared at Dustin in disbelief.

"You trying to kill me with that shit?" He exclaimed, still coughing the last of the cologne out of his lungs.

"Ok, I know it's strong, but Steve, just trust me. One spray and Robin will be all over you."

Dustin attempted to spray Steve with the cologne. Steve grabbed Dustin's wrist to avoid being bombarded by the horrendous smell. The two grappled over the bottle before Steve knocked it out of Dustin's hand, sending it across the corridor. It hit the concrete wall, shattering. The smell began to fill the corridor. Steve and Dustin looked at each other before bolting up the stairs to avoid the smell.

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