forever young

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There is a gracefulness in a final breath

A glamorous look about glazed over eyes

At least, this is what I think as my body fights its last battle

As my heartbeat ceases to have a steady, strong drum

And becomes the ending piano notes of the medley of my life instead

As my stomach shrinks, shrinks, shrinks

Until it dissolves, like it was left in the acidic rain overnight, and eats itself into the morn

I have spoken to girls who have touched the edge of the cliff, who have felt the wind in their hair as they tumbled down the rabbit hole

There's a strange sense of community amongst the dead

Amongst those that have walked the land of the living as a ghost

When your hands pass through every material possession except a pen

And the only indicator you are still alive is words on a page

Because you couldn't bear to pick up the fork and eat

Every girl that has risen from the dead claims they preferred their body in a coffin, on a stage

As a warning, as a cautionary tale

We will gladly be the dying woman in your plays

Because dying women are the lovely, lusted-after possessions that men will fight for

For our names on a podium, for our last words to be etched into minds long after the credits.


But this isn't Shakespeare

And women don't spout poetry as they lay dying

Contrary to popular belief, this poem came from red lips and lungs full of oxygen

This poem came from a full stomach and an empty plate

Dying is not the beauty we see in film, forever young, forever graceful

The young woman, pale in her coffin, dark eyes full of innocent naivety and the longing of young love

She just looks like a wax doll before her loved ones

Dying is much more brutal than what these aged directors would lead you to believe

For I have felt the world tip and tilt beneath my fragile form

Have clung to the harsh green grass as the sky collapsed

And I will beg you not to follow in my broken footsteps and insanity

Of my cracked mind and hollow chest and feeble bones and skin cold to the touch

I have attended countless funerals, and I have learned that death pales in comparison to life

Dead woman don't hold a flame to laughter in the streets or fresh bread in a clean kitchen

Corpses are nothing beside a baby's first word, or a child's handmade birthday card, or the late starry nights of Van Gogh

He did his best work when he was at peace

So I beg of you, forever women, forever young, stay a little longer

The monster that begs you to die is a liar

Take the advice of the ghost who has met the dead and walked amongst the living

Yes, life is hard, devastating, even--

But death is not so beautiful.

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