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Dazed and confused > Led Zeppelin
Kings and queens > Thirty seconds to mars (by Wendigo)
You > The 1975 (by The Astrophiles)

Since I was a kid my mom has always been one of my role models, the woman I wanted to become when I grow up

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Since I was a kid my mom has always been one of my role models, the woman I wanted to become when I grow up. She is the type of woman that makes everyone turn their heads to look at her wherever she goes, that stops the traffic, that makes the guy riding the bicycle crash with something cause he got hypnotized staring at her. A powerful, confident, beautiful, intimidating and elegant woman that so many people admire and envy. She's always well aware of the stares but she doesn't care, you'll think my mom is a pretentious person but she's the opposite, Natasha is the kindest soul, mom, friend and wife you'll ever meet.

I love spending time with her and the fact that she's a young mother makes it easier to talk to her, to feel understood. I'm very lucky, my family and I are very lucky to have my mom in our lives. Even though she's most of the time busy with work, on Thursday we always spend the morning together going to yoga classes.

I never found yoga interesting, in fact my whole life I was a very lazy person to do any kind of exercise or physical activities, but two years ago my therapist recommended to try it and since I knew my mom went to classes, I started going with her. Turns out, it helped me in ways I didn't know a yoga class would and I ended up really enjoying it. So since then, my mom and I spend our Thursday mornings going to yoga and grabbing coffee in the nearest coffee shop.

Walking down the streets of downtown San Francisco, with our matching Juicy Couture tracksuits, her brown and mine dark purple, because she insisted on wearing them together and I accepted cause I'd do anything to make my mom happy, she's looking for a birthday gift for Gabbie.

"I think I should buy her sexy lingerie, don't you think? I mean she's growing up, right? She cannot keep wearing My Little Pony briefs " My mom purses her lips stopping in front of a Victoria's Secret shop "A cute thong and-

"I think she'll die of embarrassment so no, don't do that." I chuckle and grab her forearm tugging her to make my mom keep walking "Give her money and Gabbie will buy whatever lingerie she wants.

"Alright, fine." my mom pouts and shrugs her shoulders "Oh! Look, darling, what about a pretty Chanel bag? She loves those." a few feet from us it's a Chanel store. Gabbie likes the brand so a minibag or something will be a good present from my mom.

"Sure, I think I heard her say something about a new Chanel collection she saw in a magazine."

"Yes, perfect! Let's take a look."

We make our way into the store, a faint runway music playing through the speakers. A woman immediately come us, greeting my mom and I and asking if we need any help. The shop is actually packed, people checking out and buying the new fall collection. My mom and the lady start walking towards the bags section and I follow them, venturing my eyes around the store.

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