
867 55 273

Jessie's girl > Rick Springfield
Roll away the stone > Mott The Hoople
Fortunate son > CCR
Rock the casbah > The Clash


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...And she's watching him with those eyes
And she's loving him with that body, I just know it

I spin around my room dancing in just my underwear, a tee and knee skull socks, whilst throwing my dirty clothes into the cask and grabbing the clean ones fresh from the dryer laying on my bed to put them inside my wardrobe. Searching for any piece of garment in my closet that I don't really use anymore, I scream the lyrics of Jessie's Girl. Buttercup watching me laying in his small bed in a corner of my room while chewing enthusiastically a piece of carrot.

Yeah, and he's holding her in his arms late, late at night
You know, I wish that I had
Jessie's girl, I wish that I had Jessie's girl

"Where can I find a woman like thaaaat?" My head rocks in every direction, my hands picking items in my wardrobe and throwing them behind my shoulder to hopefully land on my bed.

After getting home from uni, I was about to take a nap when I realized my room was a mess. Normally I'm very organized but with my period, lots of homework and the bad mood I was having in the last few days I didn't have the motivation and energy to clean up my room. When I stood in my door and saw my room as if a tornado destroyed everything it made me feel stressed and anxious so since today I'm in an acceptable good mood I put music on and started cleaning up my cave. Even found a ten dollars bill and a choker with a bat I thought I lost somewhere.

I'm picking items I don't use or don't fit me anymore because every year my family and I donate clothes, money, food and toys for homeless children, orphans and kids in hospitals. My parents have been volunteers in this organization since they were young. In Christmas, we also donate stuff and help to make a celebration for those kids, give them the magical Christmas they deserve. Seeing kids and teens fighting for their life or toddlers without family really breaks my heart and I always try to make them smile and give them my love, even when I just want to cry, adopt all of those children or have a magic stick to heal the sick ones. Experiencing that always makes me think and appreciate my life, a moment to be grateful to have a caring family and health.

I put the clothes inside a box I found in the attic and wrote my name and the organization to give it to my mom. My music is so loud that I didn't hear at first when Sam was calling me standing in my door. I turn around at the same time he's lowering the music on my vinyl player.

"Sorry, what?"

"I need help." My brother raises his hands and motions his body with a distressed look on his face, holding another dark blue tee on his left hand "is this okay? Do I look good?"

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