I was waked up rudely by Mrs Bell who is the head lady of this fine adopt centre not anyways I groans. "What do you want now b?"


"Sorry but I do not cures in this story so if there is a cures word then you will get the first letter anyways back to the story.


Mrs Bell:
"Don't talk to me like that b anyways get up today is adopt day."

And with that she left the room I got up took a shower get dress in a pair of black leggings a hoodie and a pair of old converse shoes brushed my teeth and go downstairs


I stay in the main room while everyone since they are doing that I might as well read a book.

Mrs Bell:
"Come and eat before they come."

"No thanks I am good and I do not care if they see me like this."

Mrs Bell:
"Whatever you say

Later on

Still reading my book when 2 man walk in I got scared so I got up and left

Man 2:
"That was wired."

Man 1:
"Yeah it was maybe we should talk to some others kids."

Man 1:
We talk to all of the kids that was here but not that girl who run away I really want to know where did she go anyways we went to tell Mrs Bell that we should go because we could not find anyone.

Man 2:
"Do you want me to tell her man or do you want to tell her?"

Man 1:
"Can you do it please bro."

Man 2:
"Sure bro Mrs Bell."

Mrs Bell:
"Yes Mr Dolan did you find a little girl that you want to take home with you guys."

Man 2:
"Well I am sorry to tell you this but we didn't find her at all we think that we are just going to go."

Mrs Bell:
"Wait I think I know someone come with me and I will show you guys her file."

Man 2:
"I do not know Mrs Bell."

Man 1:
"Bro let just see maybe we can our little girl that we always wanted."

Man 2:
"Fine I guess."

Mrs Bell:
"Oh good please follow me."


Mrs Bell:
"I think that I have her something oh right here she is."

Man 2:
All we can see is a picture of her she look like she is so along that she does need our help and I can see it on my brother face yes we are brother anyways that he is thinking the same thing as me.

Man 1:
"Umm Mrs Bell do you think that you can tell us more about her please."

Mrs Bell:
"Sure I can her name is Xi we do not know why she is here she will not tell anyone she found on our doorstep they are things that you can keep around her like glass and knife."

Man 2
"What happened if we do have them in our house?"

Mrs Bell:
"With the glass she will break it and walk ok it and with the knife she will stab herself with it oh and I forgot to tell you guys that she does not have a last name, she does have trigger to loud noises man yelling fighting people being around too many people."

Man 1:
"Wow that is a lot I feel so bad for this young girl does she have a middle name and how old is she."

Mrs Bell:
"Her middle name is Blair and she is 13 year old."

Man 2:
"Thank you do you mind giving us minute to decide if we want to adopt her or not."

Mrs Bell:
"Of course just get me once you guys have made up your minds."

"Ok thank you."

Man 2:
"So what do you think bro should as take her in?"

Man 1:
"Well I really want to how about you."

Man 2:
"I do not know bro yes I do want to take her home with us but I do not know how am I going to look after the both of you because we both know that you can't do anything what if, she has a nightmare you would not be able to wake up will you."

Man 1:
"Listen me to man I would do anything to take her home with us please let us take her home."

Man 2:
"Fine but you better be helping because I don't want  feel like I am her dad when we both are got it."

Man 1:
"Yes bro thank you so much."

Man 2:
"Anytime man may hope she want to come home with us."

Man 1:
"And if she doesn't then we will still take her home when she like her not."

Man 2:
"Or we just tell her why should we come home with us."

Man 1:
"Yeah that is better let do we might need to meet her in person before we adopt her."

Man 2:
"No kicking that the best idea you come up with the whole time we have been here."

Man 1:
"That is not true."

Man 2:
"Sure it is not due I am calling her now."

Man 1:
"K I am going to look over file to see if she left anything out and she did."

Man 2:
"What do you mean by she did."

Man 1:
"Look for yourself bro I am saying that she did left some path out well one thing out."

Man 2:
"And what did she left out."

Man 1:
"That Xi have an eating disorder and that she used to have a feeding tube never use it so they took it off her."

Man 2:
"Please tell me you are lying about this."

Hey guys I am co writing this story with sjjjsam2000  her stories are really good so go and check them out please she will really like it if you did.

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