Man 1:
"Why would I be lying about this like do you really think I would do that like come on."

Man 2:
"Right sorry bro I just really love her already."

Man 1:
"I know you do bro I feel the same as you."

Man 2:
"Should we see her now."

Man 1:
"I think that we should ask her why did he left out some information and did not tell us,"

Man 2:
"Yeah let do that."

Man 1:
"Hey do you mind if we ask you some questions?"

Mrs Bell:
"Of course ask away."

Man 2:
"Why did you tell us that Xi had a feeding tube or that she has an eating disorder?"

Mrs Bell:
"Well I wanted you guys to adopt her so I took some things out and how did you know?"

Man 1:
"Because I went to her file just to make sure about some thing then I saw her you know that you can't keep these thing away from people who want to adopt right they need to know these things."

Mrs Bell:
"Yeah your right I am sorry."

Man 2:
"That ok but just don't do it again now does she eat like that all?"

Mrs Bell:
"Not really I just stop trying after a bit."

Man 2:
"Well you shouldn't because she need to eat."

Mrs Bell:
"Well if you guys adopt her then you can help her to eat."

Man 1:
"All that we can say is that we can try can we go and talk to her before we make our decision?"

Mrs Bell:
"Of course you can follow me please."

At the door of Xi room

Knock knock


Mrs Bell:
"Remember she is scared of man's so let me tell her before you guys come in I will let you know."

Man 1:
"Ok we will thank you."

Mrs Bell:
"Hey can I come in."

"I don't care."

Mrs Bell:
"So I have something to tell you."

"Ok what is it."

Mrs Bell:
"Well there are 2 guys outside of your room they are thinking of adopting you."

"I do not know if I can do this yet."

Mrs Bell
"Well how about this, when you get really scared you can ask them to leave how about that but when they are here just think that you are talking to girls what do you say."

"You are not going to stop in till I say yes are you."

Mrs Bell:
"Oh you know that I will."

"Fine but I am not going to like it."

Mrs Bell:
"You do not have to like it all that you can do is try ok."

"Yes ok I will try but that does not mean I will like it."

Mrs Bell:
"Good I will get them know not to yell." I walk outside to tell the boys I hope she will let them adopt her because I think that they will make a perfect family. "Boys you can see her now but just please don't yell."

Man 2:
"Don't worry we will not."

Knock knock

Man 2:
"Hey can we please come in."

Man 1:
"We will not hurt you we just want to talk."

"Umm ok sure come in."

Man 2:
"Hey sweetheart what is your name:"

"M my n name I is X Xi."

Man 1:
"Hey no need to be scared noting is going to happened to you my name is Ethan and that over there is my twin brother Grayson."

"I umm n never m mind."

"No say it we want to hear what we're you going to say."

"I umm w we're g going t to s say T that y you g guys d don't l look l like t twins a at a all."

"Well thank you very much you are actually the only person who could tell that we do not like twins at all."

"So what do you like to do in your free time."

"U umm i I don't k know I is t that bad."

"Not at all sweetheart it mean that you have time to find out."

"But we could tell that you like to read don't you."

"Y yes I d do it fell l like i a am t there a and n not h here."

"That how it should feel like even when you watch show and movies as well."

"So we want to ask you a question?"

"Umm o ok w what I is it?"

"Well we are not going to tell you in till you calm down take a deep breath for me... there you go just like that keep on doing it.. there you go."

"Now why are you so scared for we are not going to hurt you."

"B because y you 2 w want t to a adopt m me."

"Yes that is true but we will not hurt you all that we want is a family."

"S so w who I is g going t to b be t the d dad a and u uncle."

"Well we walk about it and we both want to be your dad's if you let us."

"B but y you a are b both b brothers."

"And we know but that does not mean that we can't co parents on this so what do you say can we adopt you."

"I umm I d do h have a an i idea b before y you g guys a adopt m me."

"Ok what is it?"

"Hey guys go and check out sjjjsam2000  stories she is co writing this story with me also go and check out my other story please have a good day also comment and vote on this story please also on our other stories as well.

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