"Maybe in her room why do you ask?"

"Because she is normally here hugging us when we come home Ethan."

"Ok ok let go."

They went to her room they open the door and saw that she is asleep but just to make sure they check her pulse to make sure that she was actually sleeping and she was Ethan went to the kitchen to get her feeding started because it was time when he went to out in her he saw around the tube was bleeding so we went to ask Grayson why is it bleeding maybe he knows why would it bleed.

"Hey Gray is it normal for her tube to bleed?"

"Yeah it kind of is that why she have night went to sleep it might hurt so much."

"Are you sure it is normal."

"I am sues bro don't worry."

"Ok if you say so it is a good time to put her feeding in?"

"Yeah it is."

"K thanks bro."

Tuesday morning

"Xi time to get up and don't worry you will not need the feeling today so come and eat."

"Coming Ethan."

"Morning Ethan morning Grayson."

"Morning sweet girl how are you today."

"I feel sick Ethan."

"I know sweet girl but you are going to feel more sick when I give you chemo."

"Yeah I know don't worry."

"Hey Sweetie so here is the plan for today I am staying with you through chemo then after that you will stay in one of our office in till we home hot and and we want you to try and do your schoolwork got it."

"Yes Grayson."

"Good now come and eat before I have to drained your tube now come on and eat."

"Ok I am calm down."

She did after she was done Grayson drained her tube they got dress and went to the hospital Ethan got her a chair she set in it her gave her a needle and got started with the iv 2 hours later they help her up and went to Grayson office since he had no meeting in this office just yet.

A mouth later

Xi was not doing any better they have been giving her fluids through the tube because she is not talking anything from the mouth she does Grayson's and Mrs Bell are now boyfriend and girlfriend which is really good for them Ethan have been spending more time with Xi because she is now in the hospital I'm till she is a bit better the cancer is going, a bit down but not that much yet to remove the tumour now her and Ethan are watching zombie 3 on Disney plus which they don't, like that much which I do not blame them it was not that good if I am being honest.

"Ok sweet girl I think it is time for bed."

"Ok goodnight Ethan."

"Good night Xi and remember if you need anything and I mean by anything wake me up ok."

"Yes Ethan hey Ethan."

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