♪Meeting him♪

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You were in Wangshu inn for quite a while now, thankfully, you finally managed to get a paying job and keep your soul gem intact and stop it from being corrupted. But, the more you stay here within this inn, the more you feel like your every move is being monitored by someone or something every single second of the day. But— perhaps you're just being paranoid

But maybe you weren't.

And if that was the case...

..then why?

                      ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──

You were at the balcony of the inn, leaning on the railing as you were enjoying the view. You just needed to take your mind off everything and relax. Your shoulders had sagged while your eyes fluttered shut, the wind was blowing through your hair as it all felt so calming..


You immediately whipped your head around to see if it was anyone behind you

But there was.. no-one there.

You stared for a moment longer before you let out a heavy sigh

'You're just paranoid. no-one is there..' You shook your head in displeasure as you huffed before you looked back at the view, trying to calm your nerves once more. Your eyes shut tight as you tried focusing on the sensation of your breathing

That's when someone spoke up

"Who are you?" The voice was a little bit raspy, sounding stern and serious. You immediately looked at the person to see a male with dark medium-length hair with teal undertones, pale skin, his eyes had golden irises with avian pupils, as his eyes were complimented with some red eyeshadow.

"I'm just looking at the view, sorry, I didn't mean to.." you were cut off by the male

"Who are you." His voice sounded a bit more annoyed this time he spoke, causing you to instinctively move yourself against the railing as much as you could

"Right- sorry. My names (___)." You smiled, awkwardly. You normally don't stutter unless you're nervous or scared in some sort of way

"...What about you? Of course, if you don't mind me asking!" You quickly asked the man to fill the silence. The man didn't immediately respond back to you while he just stared at you, almost like he was examining you. You looked off to the side, the awkward smile still plastered on your face as you played your fingers

"..Adeptus Xiao. Conquerer of demons."

You immediately looked back at him, the awkward smile that was once on your face now softening into a gentle one

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Adeptus Xiao, i sincerely apologize for how I acted just a few moments ago. I just got caught off guard, that's all!" You nervously chuckled before bowing quickly

"Oh! But, did you need something at all?.." He squinted his eyes as he refused to speak for a long while

"No, I just needed to know who you were so I could make sure you weren't something like a killer. My apologies for interrupting." then he just ... disappeared, leaving some black and green particles behind.

You stood there, unblinking as you even forgot to breath before shaking your head and steadying your breathing

'...that was awkward.' You then turned back on your heel to look at the view again and leaned against the railing once more, thinking about what just happened and the strange man.

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