♪Love me♪

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It had been a few weeks and you still haven't found that dress, "(Maybe I lost it for good......)" You thought as you were at the balcony of Wangshu Inn, looking at the view once again. And when the wind picked up a bit, you then heard something.....
You immediately looked around and found nothing, you sighed "(It's probably just some wind-chimes or something else....)" You then back to looking at the view.

3rd person POV:
Xiao was watching Y/n these past few months, he couldn't just stop looking at her and admiring her she was so perfect....he wanted her to himself and only himself, no one else. But when he was stalking her today, the wind picked up a bit causing his necklace to jingle a little
He then immediately teleported away to Dihua Marsh before she could see him. He then scolded himself afterwards for almost getting caught, he sighed before teleporting back to Wangshu Inn on the roof so he could still watch you again.

Your POV:
It has been a few more months ever since you got here and ever since you met Xiao you got closer to him but he's also been acting.....odder recently, "(Maybe I'm just going crazy!)" You thought. "(Anyways, I should probably go out and start looking for witches.)
(A/n: yes, apparently witches came in this world aswell. How fun)
You then went outside of your room to the balcony and looked around "(Perfect)" you thought before magically transforming and jumping off the balcony. You then landed gracefully once you made it to the ground and ran off to find a witch with the help of your soul gem.

~After finding a witch and killing it~
You picked up the grief seed and transformed back, you put the grief seed in your pocket and walked back to Wangshu Inn. "(I wonder how witches even got in this world in the first place......)" You thought. After a few minutes of walking, you made it back to Wangshu Inn and said hello to Verr Goldet before going to your room. You put the grief seed in your bag with the other grief seeds and laid down on your bed, exhausted. You then looked up at the ceiling and felt your eye lids getting heavy, "(I can't fall asleep now....)" You then got up and changed into some different clothes and brushed your hair.

You then went downstairs, said goodbye to Verr and went outside

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You then went downstairs, said goodbye to Verr and went outside. You decided to take a walk around so you wouldn't fall asleep, as you walked around you got that same feeling, that you were being watched. You felt your shoulders tense up as you keep walking, looking down. After a few minutes you sat down in the grass and hugged your knees, looking at the now setting sun you relaxed a bit. You sighed "(I'm just being paranoid.... everything is ok I'm sure of it.)" You then felt your eye lids get heavy again and this time you didn't have the energy to fight it off so, you closed your eyes and fell asleep. Little did you know, a certain someone was watching you.

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