♪Your saviors?♪

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You were running, running for your life. You were crying and felt weak but you had to keep running or he would find you and do whatever, after a few minutes your body felt weaker and weaker before you fell to the ground, crying even more. It hurt, everything hurt. Why can't he just accept that you don't like him and would just like to be friends? You were curled up in a ball, crying. That's when you heard....him. "Y/n~ where are you?~" that made you cry even more as you tried to get up when you heard something....or someone walking towards to, you cried even more as you knew what was about to happen next. That's when you heard it "Y/n!" That.....wasn't Xiao, it sounded like- "Y/n! Are you ok?!" You felt someone put their hands on your shoulders, you were surprised and looked at the person's face and it wasn't Xiao.....it was "MADOKA?!?" You were even more surprised by this "Yep!" She smiled at you before hugging you "Sorry i-" you pulled away from the hug and put a hand over Madoka's mouth "Madoka, we both need to stay quiet because someone is looking for me and this person isn't good." You were practically whispering, Madoka nodded her head and took your hand off her mouth. She then got up and held her hand out to you, you took it and she picked you up. "Well then, let's get out of here." She gently gripped your hand as you nodded, the both of you then started walking with her leading the way. "Madoka! Y/n!" You and Madoka turned your head and it was- "Mami?!" You were terrified to see Mami who's arm had been cut off and was holding her soul gem in her other, you and Madoka were about to run over to Mami you both saw a Primordial jade winged spear come out from her abdomen which caused Mami to fall over and right behind her was, Xiao. He then smashed Mami's head with his foot and looked up at you "Hello, Darling~" his face was covered in blood and so was most of his clothes "You.....YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU?!" Xiao looked a little disappointed in the way you reacted but smiled shortly after "Well, don't you see? She was gonna take you away from me. And so is that pink haired idiot." He started walking towards you both but Madoka stood Infront of you "Don't you see how wrong this is?! YOU AREN'T TAKING MY FRIEND AWAY FROM ME!" Xiao looked even more disappointed and sighed "Well, how about this then?" In the blink of an eye, you were no longer in that snowy area. You immediately tried to look around for Madoka but then realized, you can't move. You looked down and that's when you noticed, you were tied to a chair. You started crying a bit, "Don't cry my darling, your friend is fine I just teleported her away before teleporting you here!~" you looked up at Xiao and started crying more "Xiao..... please let me go.....LET ME GO!" You were crying more but all Xiao did was lift your chin up, wipe some of the tears off your cheeks and kissed you on the lips "My darling, don't worry. Your safe now~" you just kept crying more, you didn't want this, you just wanted to be friends. And why you? There are multiple other people who would love to be in a relationship with Xiao! But he chose you for some reason...why? "Xiao, I don't want this....let me go, please....." You just kept pleading but for what? Did you really think he was gonna let you go?

It had been a few hours since you were in this room, you had lost hope at this point. There was no way to escape, was there? Xiao had came back into the room with some almond tofu, "Here my darling~" he sat besides you, picked up the fork and started to feed you. This was making you feel like you were a child but you could tell Xiao was just loving this, after you finished Xiao kissed you on the lips and picked up the plate and walked out of the room. You cried a bit remembering what happened to Mami, Xiao then came back into the room and hugged you. "You know.... you're so perfect, Y/n..." He then gently started kissing your neck "Xiao.... please don't do what I think you're going to do, I'm not comfortable...." Xiao just kept kissing your neck. You realized how helpless you are in this situation, the only thing you could do was to beg Xiao not to do what you think he is going to do. After awhile he stopped and kissed your lips again "It's getting late my darling, why don't we go to bed?~" you nodded, what else were you supposed to do? "And don't try run off, okay?" You nodded again before he then took the ropes off, you got up and Xiao immediately picked you up and carried you. He then took you to his room in Wangshu Inn and he then put you down on the bed before giving you some pajamas "I'll be right back, just change and don't try anything." He got up and walked away to the door and unlocked it before leaving. He closed and locked the door behind him and you got up "(I can't stay here-)" you then heard knocking on the window and you looked over to see- "Madoka?! How did you find me?!" She motioned for you to open the window which you did and she got inside of the room "Come on! Let's get you out of here!" She grabbed your hand and jumped out of the window again, you almost screamed but then you realized after you both were falling slowly. You both then landed gracefully on your feet and started running again until you both found yourself in a place that was safe and to keep Xiao away from you, but for how long?...


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~End of chapter~
~Word count: 1035~

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