co-parenting p2

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hailee: bold
y/n: italic

Hailee POV:

"but "friends" don't do what we do y/n" i admitted

y/n took a deep sigh before setting down the damp cloth.

"what exactly are you trying to say?" y/n huffed

"y/n i still like you..i love you, i never stopped loving you! and you expect me to act calm and casual while we are making love all the time!"

"we aren't making love hailee.. we are just simply fucking" she shrugged

"look i'm sorry. i really am. i wish you told me sooner haiz..i've been taking advantage of you and i'm sorry..i would've stopped if i knew" y/n spoke with real sorrow

"let's stop this okay? no more messing around. just friends yeah?"

"yeah...yeah that's good let's forget any of this happened" i put on a fake smile

y/n smiled back and pulled me into a hug making me melt to her touch.

*months later*

y/n POV:

for the past few months i had been talking to this girl called Olivia. we get along like 2 peas in a pod and she's attractive too.
tonight she invited me on a date so i had to lie to Hailee and say i had a work meeting so i can't look after y/d/n tonight.
she definitely could tell i was lying

Olivia picked me up from my apartment and drove us to the fancy,classy restaurant.

"so, you have a daughter right?" Olivia asked, swallowing the mouthful of pasta she had

"yess her name is y/d/n and she's only 3, kinda corny to say but my child is definitely my best friend" i giggled

"aww cute... so are you close with her mother or?" she questioned

"yeah me and Hailee are on great terms, no bad blood between us, we try to get along as much as we can for y/d/n"

"i'm glad to hear that" Olivia purred

we spent hours flirting across the table, sharing cheeky corny compliments and giggling at every opportunity.
Olivia was kind enough to pay for the bill even though i insisted but she refused to agree.

she drove me back to my LA apartment and we walked close together up to my floor.
giggling and snickering along the way

"i had a lot of fun tonight y/n..thank you" Olivia smiled

"no thank you! it's been amazing honestly" i giggled in my drunken state

"we should do this again sometime" she smirked

"i'd be okay with that" i flirted back

Olivia leaned forward and my body moved closer to hers, about to engage in a intoxicated kiss but my phone starting buzzing violently in my handbag

"sorry" i giggled nervously and searched for my phone

i was planning to ignore the call until i saw what is read

                                  ( HAILEE.... )

hailee never called me while y/d/n was over hers, especially at this time of night.
i started to panic and answered the phone immediately


"y/n shit you need to come to the hospital now" Hailees voice was scared

"WHAT? why ? is everything okay? is my baby okay!" i yelled down the phone

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